Retired Sapulpa Police Captain and former Undersheriff Bret Bowling is a Republican candidate seeking election on Tuesday June 28th for Creek County Sheriff.
Bowling said he decided to run for Sheriff to serve at the will of the people of Creek County. “I’m a Peace Officer, not a politician. I’m interested in achieving measurable, transparent results by managing the Sheriff’s Office with improved cost efficiencies, proactive policing methods, combating property crimes and suppressing illicit drug activities – but most importantly – maintaining peace and order with a prestigious ethical standard,” said Bowling.
Bowling has served 26 years as a Peace Officer, including his prior experience as Undersheriff of Creek County. “I’ve gained a considerable amount of working knowledge during my time at Sapulpa and Creek County. I can directly apply that expertise when elected Sheriff,” Bowling said. He also stated that CCSO can be compared to running a multi million-dollar business asset, and that he’s more than prepared for the challenge.
Bowling is a graduate of Sapulpa High School, and later graduated with a Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in Organizational Leadership from the University of Charleston. Bowling is a long-time Creek County resident who has successfully operated three local small businesses over the years, while balancing his law enforcement service, family obligations and volunteer service with various organizations.
Bowling’s resume includes 23 years of service to the Sapulpa Police Department where he held positions in Patrol and Investigations, the South West Area Tactical Team (SWAT), Crisis Negotiator Unit Co-Commander, Honor Guard Commander, and has served on both District 24 and 25 Violent Crime and Drug Task Forces.
Bowling served as Supervisor in his respective Sapulpa Police Divisions, and retired as a Captain over Investigations and the Property and Evidence Room where he received numerous awards and commendations. Bowling is an Advanced Instructor for CLEET, and has trained hundreds of peace officers throughout his career.
Bowling also served two years as Creek County Undersheriff after retiring from Sapulpa. Bowling said he gained an incredible amount of working knowledge of daily operations at CCSO during his time there, and is ready to put that knowledge to use for the good of the citizens.
Bowling is the only candidate that has attended the Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association Academy as well as the Jail Administrator Academy, and is certified by the International Association of Property and Evidence organization. Bowling said “My experience is what makes me the best choice for Creek County residents. I have been educating myself, training and preparing my entire life for this opportunity – to serve the citizens of Creek County.”
Bowling recently completed a 10-question Sheriff candidate’s survey conducted by the Creek County Republican Party. You can read his responses and learn more about Bowling’s experience, education and vision for the Creek County Sheriff’s Office on his website, www.VoteBretBowling.com, or visit his Facebook Page.