Creek County Fair: 2021 Flower Show Results

Potted Plants

African Violet 

  1. Mary Brown
  2. Jo Beth Forge


  1. Donna Mantooth
  2. Jamie Braden
  3. Lacey Haworth

Dish Garden

  1. Donna Mantooth
  2. Jamie Braden

Foliage Plant, large (6” -12”) 

  1. Eddie Graham

Foliage plant, small (> 6”)

  1. Ellie Haworth
  2. Ty Haworth
  3. Lita Townsend
  4. Eddie Graham


  1. Chance Haworth
  2. Lita Townsend


  1. Donna Mantooth
  2. Kathy Goodwin
  3. Margie Juby
  4. Eddie Graham
  5. Emma Graham


Climbing Rose – 1 stem

  1. Rhetta Crawford

Rose Clusters: Bloom 3” or more

  1. Myriah Shoemake

Hybrid teas – 1 stem

  1. Myriah Shoemake


  1. Conley Yocham

Celosia (Cockscomb) crested

  1. Kenneth Fisher
  2. Debby Fisher

Celosia (Plume)

  1. Joanne Denney


  1. Jamie Braden
  2. Joanne Denney


  1. Joanne Denney


  1. Joanne Denney
  2. Kathy Berryhill
  3. Whit Hollenbeck


  1. Joanne Denney


  1. Emma Graham
  2. Jamie Braden
  3. Eddie Graham
  4. Kathy Berryhill
  5. Jessica Baker

Moss Rose/ Portulaca

  1. Sylvia Thompson

Petunia – 1 branch

  1. Joanne Denney
  2. Eddie Graham
  3. Emma Graham
  4. Finley Yocham


  1. Raimey Yocham


  1. Finley Yocham


  1. Donna Mantooth
  2. Kathy Berryhill
  3. Whit Hollenbeck
  4. Sylvia Thompson
  5. Tripp Yocham

Zinnia, Small (Less than 2” bloom)

  1. Joanne Denney
  2. Chance Haworth
  3. Lacey Haworth
  4. Donna Mantooth
  5. Whit Hollenbeck

Zinnia, Large (More than 2” bloom)

  1. Chelsea Gore
  2. Harleigh Green
  3. Donna Mantooth
  4. Kathy Berryhill
  5. Ruger Green

Other (Not listed above)

  1. Margie Juby
  2. Conley Yocham
  3. Rhetta Crawford
  4. JoAnne Denney



  1. Kathy Berryhill

Ornamental grass – 1 plume

  1. Joanne Denney


  1. Eddie Graham
  2. Rhetta Crawford
  3. Debra Taylor

Vining – Not blooming

  1. Joanne Denney


Althea/Rose of Sharon

  1. Joanne Denney
  2. Kathy Berryhill

Beauty Bush

  1. Kathy Berryhill

Crepe Myrtle

  1. Joanne Denney
  2. Kathy Berryhill


  1. Rhetta Crawford
  2. Kenneth Fisher
  3. Debby Fisher
  4. Tripp Yocham
  5. Raimey Yocham

Other (Not listed above)

  1. Kathy Berryhill



  1. Hudson Fisher

White Honey

  1. Eddie Chandler

White Extracted Honey

  1. Ackley Toothman
  2. David Wood
  3. Eddie Chandler

Amber Honey

  1. Eddie Chandler
  2. David Wood

Amber Extracted Honey

  1. Jeremy Baker
  2. David Wood
  3. Ackley Toothman
  4. Eddie Chandler
  5. Juli Wilhite

Gold Sweet Potatoes

  1. Luke A. Fisher

Summer Squash

  1. Dove Schmidt


  1. Dove Schmidt

Egg Plant

  1. Lynnea Fisher
  2. Chantee Fisher
  3. Luke R. Fisher

Onions, Yellow

  1. Luke R. Fisher


  1. Vena Farmer
  2. Jerry Farmer
  3. Maria Fisher
  4. Hudson Fisher
  5. Ainsley Fisher

Pumpkin (Jack O’Lantern)

  1. Reed Stidham

Pumpkin (Field)

  1. Reed Stidham

Winter Squash

  1. Whitt Hollenbeck
  2. Dove Schmidt


  1. Ben Hollenbeck

Tomatoes (Cherry)

  1. Luke R. Fisher
  2. Dillion Lee
  3. Dove Schmidt
  4. Rhetta Crawford
  5. Maria Fisher


  1. Dove Schmidt
  2. Dillion Lee
  3. Jennie Green
  4. Stephanie Sherwood
  5. Hudson Fisher

Peppers (Hot)

  1. Dove Schmidt
  2. Sylvia Thompson
  3. Lynnea Fisher
  4. Luke A. Fisher
  5. Maria Fisher

Peppers (Sweet Bell)

  1. Dove Schmidt
  2. Lynnea Fisher
  3. Maria Fisher
  4. Luke R. Fisher
  5. Chantee Fisher

Peppers (Sweet Banana)

  1. Dove Schmidt
  2. Dillion Lee
  3. Jennie Green
  4. Whit Hollenbeck

Vegetable Basket

  1. Ricky Hollebeck
  2. Maria Fisher
  3. Hudson Fisher
  4. Dove Schmidt
The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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