Creek County Election Board approves new precinct lines

Creek County now officially has new precinct lines, the County Election Board has confirmed to the Sapulpa Times.

On Tuesday morning, the Board voted to approve the acceptance of new precinct lines in order to bring their precincts into alignment with the new boundaries made by the state legislators and county commissioners.

The move is more of a formality than anything, as the 2020 Census is what determines the boundaries according to population, which then guides the creation or modification of precincts in the state. Each precinct has to be the same, whether the election is local, county, or state. This makes it easier to cast a vote and to track votes, as well.


Residents who have been moved to a new precinct will not have to do anything, Chris Gilliland told Sapulpa Times in a phone conversation on Tuesday. “For the February and April elections, they will continue to go to their normal precinct, and then we’ll be mailing out new voter registration cards to those who have new precincts after that,” she said. “There won’t be many who have new precincts. There were a few, but not a lot.”

The next election will be February 8th, to vote on school board seats, several city council seats, and the renewal of an existing sales tax. The city council race has already gotten some heated coverage based on the number of candidates, and some that have dropped or been removed from the race. 

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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