Creek County Democrats to Hold Precinct Meetings

The Creek County Democrats will be holding their biennial precinct meetings Thursday, March 9, at 7:00 p.m.  Meetings will be held in Sapulpa, Bristow, and Drumright.

These meetings are the first step in electing new leadership for the Democratic Party at the county, congressional district, and state levels. Precinct officers will be elected, and those attending will have the chance to direct the party’s future with their ideas and resolutions.

Stan Johnson, Chair of the Creek County Democratic Party, said “This is the real grass roots level. This is where people can make a difference and make their voices heard.”


All precinct officers will be eligible to vote at the Creek County Convention to be held March 25. There we will elect county officers and delegates to the District and State Conventions, as well as pass resolutions to forward to the State and National Democratic Party.

This has been an exciting year for us,” Johnson continued. “We’ve had a lot of people calling us, asking how they can get involved. Attending precinct meetings is a good way to start. And attending our regular monthly meetings is good, as well.”

Your precinct number is printed on your voter registration card. If you’ve lost your card, call the Creek County Election Board at 918-224-3529 to find out your precinct number. Or call Stan Johnson at 918-227-1586, or Vice-Chair Fran Redding at 918-693-3520.

All Sapulpa, Kiefer, Mounds, and Kellyville precincts will meet in Sapulpa at Central Tech, 1720 S. Main.  Bristow, Dewey, Milfay, and Slick precincts will meet at the Bristow City Hall, 110 W. 7th.  And Drumright, Mannford, Oilton, Jennings, and Shamrock will meet at Drumright Central Tech, 3 CT Circle.

For more information about the precinct meetings, call Stan or Fran, or check out their Facebook page: Creek County Democrats.

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