The Creek County Democratic Party held its monthly meeting at the Bristow Community Center, June 15, 2021. The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Chair Stan Johnson. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Johnson and Dewayne Scaife led the invocation.
Kaleb Hoosier attended the meeting and announced his candidacy for Sapulpa City Council, Ward 3. The guest Speaker was Alecia Andrews, the newly re-elected Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party.
Andrews spoke about her vision for the ODP. She firmly believes that recruitment of candidates at all levels of Oklahoma government is paramount. “We have to be recruiting all the time, and we have to be recruiting, starting at the municipal level. My belief is that the closer the elected official is to your home, the more influence it has on you,” Andrews said.

The ODP Chair discussed voter engagement, saying just registering voters was not enough. She pointed out that only 55 percent of registered voters in Oklahoma turn out during a presidential election. “I am embarrassed to report that Oklahoma is tied with West Virginia for the lowest voter turnout in the nation. She stated her goal as ODP Chair is to have 50,000 more Democratic voters by November 8, 2022.
Andrews stated she is developing a statewide message:
“Access to quality public education, access to affordable healthcare, and the opportunity for economic growth.”
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. The next meeting will be on August 19th in Drumright, with the venue to be announced.