Creek County Democrats hold their annual convention

The Creek County Democratic Party held its annual convention on Saturday, April 3, 2021, at the Bristow Community Center. The meeting was conducted outdoors with social distancing and masks for the safety of the participants.

Chuck Threadgill led the pledge of allegiance and Duane Scaife led the invocation. County Chair Stan Johnson opened the convention, then turned it over to Vice-Chair Naomi Mendus to open the floor for nominations and subsequent voting for officers and delegates.

Stan Johnson and Charles Betzler were re-elected as Chair and Secretary, respectively; new officers include Sheila Sloan as Vice-Chair, and Michela Graves and Dewayne Scaife as Affirmative Action Officers.


Fran Redding, Linda Davis, Lenora Counter, Chuck Threadgill, and Brian Broadrick were elected delegates to CD3. County officers are automatically delegates. Since all five officers reside in CD3, they are CD3 delegates. Jeremiah Robinson was elected CD1 delegate.

After the elections, resolutions were adopted to be submitted to congressional district conventions as well as the State convention.

Chris Root, Democratic candidate for Creek County Commission, District 3, spoke to party members.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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