Creek County Democrats Announce Scholarship Winners

The Creek County Democrats are delighted to announce the winners of their 2023  scholarships, Divinety Johnson and Hope Barton, both of Bristow High School.

Ms Johnson plans to study sociology at either OU or Suffolk University in preparation for attending law school; Ms Barton will attend the University of Arizona majoring in environmental science, with the goal of eventually teaching at the college level.  

Scholarship Committee members were very impressed with the quality of the applicants this year. Not only do they excel academically, they are involved in athletics and other extracurricular activites, volunteer in a wide range of local social and educational services, and even hold down jobs. “This is one of the most well-rounded group of applicants we’ve had in the 11 years we’ve sponsored this program.  They are very impressive.” said one committee member.


Ms Johnson, Ms Barton, and their parents will be guests of honor at the April 20 meeting of the Creek County Democratic Party.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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