Creek County Commissioner Rick Stewart

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the new residents and touch base with long time citizens of the area. I am your current Creek County District 2 Commissioner Rick Stewart. I am a long time resident of Creek County as well as a business owner,husband & Father. I am very active in the community,a reserve police officer and worship at South Heights Assembly of God Church. I am seeking my second term in the primary election on June 28th.

I would like to start by taking the time to let everyone know, I have immensely enjoyed my first term as your County Commissioner for not only the experience but also the education as well in County Government serving YOU the People on a local level.
The commissioner position covers so many different areas that most are unaware. In all actuality it is a position one can compare to as member of a “Board of Directors. “
The commissioner has responsibility such as inspection of our jail,working with the 911 system as well as working in conjunction with engineering firms and State officials on road and Bridge projects.
I have taken the stance not to back down from but to stand up and fight the “status quo” political stronghold that has been on this County for way to long, not just for District 2, but for the entire county. Even with great FALSE accusations/chargesthat have come against me personally. I am determined that together we will abolish the stigma of “Crook County” forever.
I am adamant that the property rights of rural residents be protected against Government overreach and will stand firm again and again with you in every way possible.
In every endeavor that I have embarked on , I’ve  always strived  to make sure I leave everything in better shape than I received it. I can without hesitation say District 2 has visibly  improved with Improvements such as:
  1. More efficient in how we do things with ideas like using scrap iron sales to help fund a major remodel on an outdated office while bringing technological and innovative  ideas to local Government and demanding  complete transparency to you the people.
  2. Better visibility and communications such as using social media to help with public communication along with a great staff serving you!
  3. After decades of a fleet of antiquated machinery we have updated with the not only the latest equipment available but also installing a long overdue equipment storage barn to help protect those investments.
  4. Education: By being the first commissioner in Creek County History to have completed all offered training in such a short time frame along with the District 2 employees class being the largest in the State graduating from OSU’s Road Scholars program in 2015.
  5. In my first term, we have applied for and received more Grant Money for District 2 than Decades prior. In excess of $500,000.00 on several road and bridge projects.
  6. Upon entering office in 2013 we were informed that Creek County had the worst deficiency rating on our bridges in the entire state. I have been very aggressive and have been able to reduce those numbers by around twenty five percent by researching and receiving funding as well as several beams for construction at minimum or no cost From our local funds.
  7. Being part of a front runner team that helped with the 911 system by moving control over three quarters of a million dollars from the Board of County Commissioners to the Sheriffs office to assist in much needed updates and equipment.
  8. One of the more challenging tasks is still in progress though nearing completion. The citizens have historically been denied road maintenance due to what has been considered the “Good Ol Boy” system by not having accountability in road maintenance by never defining what is a county maintained road. We are at present finalizing maps that defeats the political ploy so often used. Once this process is completed the infrastructure will improve bringing in improved economic development as well as accountability for tax dollars.
Thank each and everyone who has helped make this a reality and I am looking forward to a second term.
 I ask for your support and vote on June 28th.
 If I can be of any assistance, I am easily reached.
 Be sure to check out/like/share Re-Elect Rick Stewart for County Commissioner  on Facebook.


Rick Stewart
Eastern Oklahoma
Aerobic Services
The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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