Creek County CASA, DHS, and Youth Services place pinwheels for child abuse

There are currently 137 pinwheels spinning in front of the Creek County Courthouse. Those pinwheels represent the children currently in foster care in Creek County. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, so on Friday, April 9, CASA volunteers and Youth Services of Creek County placed pinwheels to help bring awareness to child abuse. Since July 2020 there have been over 450 abuse cases involving over 200 children. Judge Laura Farris, District 30 State Representative Mark Lawson, and Michael Kendrick of Creek County DHS spoke of the importance of looking out for the children in our community. “It is our job, as a community to report suspected abuse. If you see something, say something,” Lawson said.

Other community leaders and organizations, such as District Attorney Max Cook, Sapulpa Fire Department, Sapulpa Police Department and Creek County Sheriff’s Office were also present during the presentation. 

Numbers to call to report suspected child abuse are CPS 1-800-522-1487, Sapulpa Police 918-224-3868, Creek County Sheriff’s Office 918-227-6374 or Youth Services of Creek County 918-227-2622. All numbers are available 24 hours a day.


Pinwheels have been placed at least the last few years at the Courthouse. Last year, there were 155 pinwheels placed.

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