Creek County Assessor JaNell Enlow announced earlier in February that she would not be seeking re-election at the end of her term.
In a statement on her personal Facebook profile, she says that she’s been “blessed and honored to service as the Creek County Assessor,” a position she’s held since she was first elected in 2010. “However, after much prayer and thought, I have decided not to seek re-election at the end of this term,” she said.

Citing the desire to spend more time with family and to pursue a personal business venture she has “been dreaming about for quite some time,” she says that she’ll take the time to retire and enjoy the time with her family “most of all my 5 grandkids and my mom and dad.”
After thanking members of her staff who have helped her carry out her duties as county assessor for the last twelve years, Enlow said that she looked forward to seeing what candidates would be filing for her position when filing season begins in April.
“I look forward to seeing some strong, viable candidates with new visions and strong leadership seek the Assessor position. Thank you again Creek County. I look forward to returning to life as just a citizen of our great County.”
Enlow did not name any endorsement for any potential candidate, nor did she imply that she would be leaving before her current term expired.