Courthouse Complex is no longer taking temperatures

Editor’s Note: This story first appeared in the May 31st Sapulpa Times Print Edition. It refers to the meeting last Monday, May 26th. The story has been correct to communicate more clearly that last week was the last week for taking temperatures.

The regular weekly Commissioner meeting was held beginning at 9 a.m. on Tuesday morning, May 26th, due to observing the federal holiday, Memorial Day. The meetings are still being held in the Collins Ballroom with social distancing guidelines in place.

Courthouse Complex COVID-19 Updates

District Attorney Max Cook spoke representing the judges regarding the current restrictions at the Courthouse due to COVID-19. The judges requested that temperatures be taken for one more week and the continuation of locked doors with bailiffs and deputies manning the checkpoints. They will probably move to the next phase of opening next week. DA Cook said the pandemic is an “opportunity to learn. We’ve never had this situation.” Chair Stephens said he sees temperature taking as an “unnecessary expense” and “the threat hasn’t been there and we need to realize it’s not there.” DA Cook said, “I agree that it seems to be largely unproductive unless people see temperatures are taken and don’t come in.” No one present knew of anyone who had been turned away because of having a fever the preceding week.


The protocol for the Collins Building changed slightly with the door on the north side being unlocked and temperature-taking stopped. County Clerk Jennifer Mortazavi said they did not see a lot of traffic flow from the public during the previous week. Her office receives the most traffic as it is positioned between the entrance and the stairs.

Chair Stephens voted against these measures while Commissioners Whitehouse and Warner were in favor.

911 Mapping Service

The annual arrangement between Creek County and The Indian Nations Council of Government was approved unanimously. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with services costing $2,227.

Opening Bids for Janitorial Services

Bids will be accepted for janitorial services for the Sapulpa and Bristow Health Departments for the new fiscal year 2020/2021. Bids will be accepted until 8:59 a.m. on June 8th, 2020.

Bids Received for Bridge Project

Twenty-seven bids were received and opened for a 6-month bridge and highway project. The bids were received and logged and will be reviewed, studied, and presented at the June 8th meeting.   

The next meeting will return to the normal Monday morning schedule on June 1st, 2020.

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