County project manager position filled, INCOG grant for resurfacing West 81st Street approved

On Monday, December 28th the Board of County Commissioners chose a replacement for Paul Farris, Creek County’s retiring County Project Manager. Glen Mouser will begin training for the job January 4 with a starting annual salary at the Foreman Rate of $45,463.44. District #1 Commissioner Newt Stephens stated that there were two applicants for the position, and that both were interviewed last week. Mouser, currently a County employee in District #1, was the unanimous choice. 

Filing dates for the Annual Fair Board Election have been set as Monday, January 25 through Friday, January 29, 2021. The election will be held on Saturday, February 6, 2021. Locations will be: 317 E. Lee Avenue, Sapulpa in District #1, 10920 S. HWY 99, Drumright in District #2, and 620 Industrial Road, Bristow in District $3. Stephens stated that Perry Collins in District #1, Bob Pruitt in District #2 and Josh Enlow in District #3 are up for Election. 

An INCOG Community Development REAP grant in the amount of $20,977 for resurfacing West 81st Street from 145th West Avenue to 161st West Avenue was unanimously approved. District #2 Commissioner Leon Warner stated this was the last project approved for the year and said, “We really appreciate receiving the funds for the project.” There was a discussion of adding Dana Logsdon as authorized signer for the all INCOG REAP contracts, along with the three Commissioners, which was also approved.  


The mileage reimbursement rate for County employees’ private automobile use for 2021 was authorized by the Board for $0.56 per mile, as published by the Office of Management and Enterprises and the IRS.

The COVID-19 emergency resolution was extended one more week for the County. Warner reported that there were 511 active positive cases as of Friday, December 25, which is an 18% increase from the 413 cases a week before. “We have had 4,000 cases to date and I see no reason to change what we are doing. Our deaths have gone from 57 to 63,” Warner concluded. Assistant District Attorney Andrew Goforth stated that the Courthouse will remain closed until January 11. This passed in a split vote with Stephens voting no and Warner and First Deputy Roger Smith (sitting in for District #3 Commissioner Lane Whitehouse) voting yes. 

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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