County Courthouse Complex now open by appointment only

Effective immediately, the Creek County Courthouse Complex which includes the Collins Building, the Courthouse, and Sheriff Office has restricted access except to employees and all others by appointment only. Also included is the Creek County Election Office and the OSU Extension Office located at the Creek County Fairgrounds. The restriction does not include regular, special or emergency meetings. The restriction lasts until 8:30 AM, March 30th.

Creek County Courthouse is as of now only open by appointment only. The Collins building is also restricted to employees and appointments only.

During the regular Creek County Commissioners meeting on Monday, March 23rd, an emergency meeting was scheduled for 11:00 AM to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic.

Judge Golden stressed the Courthouse still needs to be able to handle emergencies by appointments. He said. “We can’t just shut down.” Judge Kelly Hake added his two concerns are dealing with emergencies for civil order and helping the Sheriff deal with the jail. He said, “We are doing our best to minimize the impact on the county.”


For over an hour, discussions ensued about the logistics of operating the public buildings while keeping employees and the public safe. Creek County Assessor Janell Enlow started the discussion by suggesting the Collins building be closed to the public. She said, “Our main concern is our employees but also the general public. People aren’t taking this as (seriously) as they should.”

Left to right: Jennifer Mortazavi, Lane Whitehouse, Leon Warner, Newt Stephens

County Commissioner Newt Stephens pushed for closing the complex and allowing each elected official to make decisions regarding rotating their employees, appointments with the public at their discretion and more.

The use of telecommunications was discussed and Judge Laura Farris said we need to, “Do our part as Americans…and be innovative while providing essential services.” She recently used a monitor provided by the Sheriff’s Office and it worked out “seamlessly.” 

In response, Don Engle opened up the Treasurer’s drive-thru located on the north end of the Courthouse parking lot starting Tuesday, March, 24th. Hours will be 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. Cash will be accepted at the drive-thru but cannot be put in the night drop.

Each office will still be open regular business hours and are available through email and phone. The public will be advised of online forms that are accessible, drop boxes that may be put in use and how to make payments.

After discussion and unanimous approval by the Commissioners concerning restricted access to the Courthouse Complex, Leon warner made a motion to “strongly encourage the public and businesses to follow the CDC guidelines regarding the COVID-19 virus.” The motion was approved. 

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