County Commissioners once again award Title Search bid to local company

The Board of County Commissioners unanimously passed a motion to accept a bid from Creek County Abstract & Title Company, Sapulpa Oklahoma to perform title searches for the delinquent property tax sale.

Although the $70 per parcel bid was essentially double the bid from Anchor Land Group, Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Commissioners quickly agreed to give the job to a local vendor.

In the January 23rd meeting, the Board passed the item until this week’s agenda. At that time Treasurer Don Engle said the bid specifications stated the bidder must have a $50,000 bond filed with the County Clerk and have an Abstactor’s license.


Clark Dailey, a representative from Anchor Land Group protested the statement made by the Treasurer, stating that the abstractor’s license was not on last year’s bid. Engle replied that the State requires an Abstractors license to do this work, however, after the January 30 meeting, he said he could find no such statute.

The Sapulpa Herald spoke to the Treasurer and Commissioner Leon Warner after the meeting.

Warner said that the Board made the decision based on the recommendation of the Treasurer and that just because it is not required by the State, does not preclude making it a requirement. for the County Bid. Engle said Anchor Land Group dealt with oil and gas leases and he felt that doing title searches on properties for tax purposes was much different. He also stated that Anchor Land must have a “bid” bond and did not have one last year, nor this year. Engle also pointed out that the job must be finished by February and he did not think Anchor could meet that timeline.

Engle further stated that Creek County Abstract has better access to pertinent information and has always done an excellent job. “We have had them and they have done really well. If it works, don’t fix it.”

Commissioners unanimously passed a motion to sign resolutions to surplus and dispose of miscellaneous county equipment—some of which was nearly 50 years old—including the following:

Two Orgen Bench Grinders; two Scotsman Ice Machines; a 1987 power washer; a

1979 Skill Grinder; a 1996 battery charger; a Bosch Grinder; a 1988 Lubricator Chassis; a Multi-Grade Oil Pump for District #2.

The Board unanimously passed a motion to approve a utility permit from East Central Electric Cooperative per County Specs for laying fiber-optic cable parallel and crossing 257th W. Avenue near Sunrise Cemetery in District #1.

Commissioners unanimously approved a motion to clarify the publication cost of letting for sealed bid for the City of Sapulpa Water/Sewer Rehabilitation, Project  and to approve the

 $394.85 to  be paid from Sapulpa City  ARPA funds rather than being paid by the City of Sapulpa General Fund.

The Board unanimously passed a motion to award the bid to rehabilitate a 160,000-gallon elevated water tank in Mannford to Tanksco, Inc in the amount of $334,040. Creek County is providing $214,285.71, coming from ARPA funds. Mannford will pay the remaining balance. that is above the allocated amount from the county

in the amount of $214,285.71. Chair Stephens stated that Tanksco has provided the provided the SAMS.GOV information and are active in the system, thus proving they are a qualified


The Board unanimously passed resolutions surplussing equipment from Metro Emergency Upfitters LLC in the amount of $26,861.16 that was purchased with ARPA Funds for the

District Attorney’s Office. disposing of the same to be transferred to the District

Attorney’s Office.

Commissioners Unanimously passed a motion to approve the modification request from the Sheriff in the amount of $17,678.48,for an ARPA project providing the basic

upfit of four 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Pursuit Vehicle-rated vehicles and transfer $17,678.48 from  ARPA 2021 Commissioners  Personnel Services Account to Commissioners Capital Outlay Commissioners account. The cost had gone up to $4,419.62 per unit since the vehicles were bid and purchased.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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