County Commissioners agree to allow Poker Run to be held at Courthouse parking lot this weekend, will end with live entertainment and refreshments

The Board of County Commissioners for Creek County unanimously approved allowing the use of the County Courthouse Complex by the Sapulpa Fraternal Order of Police and the Four Kings LE/MC Poker Run for a fundraising event to be held on Saturday, April 17th. The run will begin at Central Tech at 9 a.m. and end at the Courthouse parking lot at 2 p.m. 

Representatives from Four Kings spoke to the BOCC and explained that the event is a benefit memorializing a nurse to raise money for scholarships for Creek County students going into the nursing field. 

As the motorcycles arrive at the Courthouse around 2 p.m., they will also be able to enjoy a live band, food, and drinks. 


The BOCC signed a resolution to surplus several items the County no longer needs and selling them through Purple Wave auction. The items included a Lowboy-Birmingham trailer, a 1999 Chevrolet Dump Truck, a 2006 International Truck, and a desk. District #2 Commissioner Leon Warner said that the County is clearing out some old equipment and that the money received from the auction will go into the Capital Outlay Account to purchase newer items. 

It was unanimously approved to sign a resolution directing Creek County Treasurer Don Engle to credit the Creek County General Government Retirement/Workman’s Compensation & Unemployment Fund with funds from the Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma (ACCO) County Claims-Operating Account in the amount of $34,476.02 as a Performance Rebate for the fiscal year 2017/2018 for the ACCO-SIF Workers’ Compensation Program. 

The BOCC approved the signing of a transcript and deed on a property located in Oilton at 312 West Oak Street that was sold in a public sale on April 5, 2021. 

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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