Sapulpa Times reached out to the five candidates for Creek County Commissioner District #3 to get more information on why District #3 constituents should get their vote. We received replies back from three of the five: Bryan Sherwood, Mike Wofford, and Jarrod Whitehouse. Candidates Justin Speers and Danny Gann either did not return our phone calls or did not reply to our emails.
Please provide some background information on yourself and your experience in Creek County.

Bryan Sherwood: I have lived in Creek County pretty much my whole life. I started out in teaching at Indian Meridian Vo-Tech, and I have managed manufacturing companies and managed sales from automotive to heavy equipment. I have also worked on prototype products and brought those to market. Currently, I am in Utility Construction which I manage crews across the state of Oklahoma. I’ve been involved in the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce, Sapulpa Handicap Opportunity Workshop, Sapulpa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, Sapulpa Board of Education, and Kiwanis. I am married to Nancy Sherwood and we have 7 children and 9 grandchildren between us. Nancy was also born and raised here in Sapulpa.
Jarrod Whitehouse: Raising our family in a Christian home, I and my wife, Ashley, have been married for 14 years. We have two children, Jolee (12) and Bryson (9). Faith and family are our foundation. I am a lifetime resident of Creek County, living in Bristow my whole life. I have operated a construction business for five years. The company handles subsurface gas line work, dozing, installation of below-ground and surface systems, and other land and construction work. We operate by the principles of dependability, quality work, and dedication to getting the job done.
Mike Wofford: I was born and raised in Sand Springs, graduating in 1984. After completing my 1st semester at NSU in Tahlequah I enlisted in the US Army reserves. After being discharged, I started my construction career, eventually adding heavy equipment to my fleet, at which point I started contracting. This year marks the 33rd year in the business. In 1997 I started planting roots in Creek County by moving my business banking to Bristow, as well as spending most of my Saturdays at the MidAmerica Sale Barn buying or selling cattle and hogs. Paula and I (with our three youngest children) moved to Bristow in 2013. They all graduated from Bristow schools. I’m now semi-retired but still operating Mike Wofford Trucking & Grading, LLC. A few of my construction achievements are Sand Springs High School football field and running track. ODOT Steve Owens Blvd in Miami, OK, Safety improvement on I-40 & Hwy 177 and other ADA projects throughout Oklahoma. In 2018, I was appointed by the Executive Director of Oklahoma Department Of Transportation to DBE Advisory Board Member. Mr. Patterson pointed out my skills and experience would be an asset to the Board. I also traveled to Washington, DC working on grants and building networking relationships.
What inspired you to run for County Commissioner?
Bryan Sherwood: I wanted to be a part of our community and the area I live in. I want to help make it a better place and a place where people want to come and live.

Jarrod Whitehouse: Working with my dad (former Creek County District #3 Commissioner Lane Whitehouse), I’ve become familiar with every mile of District 3. I understand the county’s needs, be it budgetary, construction, road maintenance, or the improvement of life in Creek County.
Mike Wofford: I’m running for County Commissioner to bring my lifetime of experience, leadership, and organization to District 3.
What are the top three things you’d like to see change for District 3 once you’re elected?
Bryan Sherwood: First of all, I will make myself available to the residents of District 3 by phone and email. I will also make the projects available for the residents by either a website or social media platform. There will be a list of priorities when developed so everyone can see. Lastly, I will give the voters of this district 100% of my time and effort toward not only improving the roads and infrastructure but also toward the betterment of the entire county.
Jarrod Whitehouse: I would like to find ways to better fund the construction and repair of roads and bridges in Creek County outside of the regular budget. I would like to continue the good working relationships that my dad had with outside sources that laid new roads and built new bridges at no cost to Creek County citizens. He would also like to consult with a grant writer to apply for grants for Creek County. Secondly, I would like to be more proactive. While it is very important for the county to be reactive to any and all situations that may arise, I would like to be more proactive. I would like to create not only short-term plans but also long-term plans that will keep our roads and bridges in a better flow of operation. Lastly, I would like to continue building a great relationship with the citizens of Creek County, as well as with the other County Commissioners. I know that with all 3 Commissioners working together, all of Creek County will thrive.
Mike Wofford: The top three changes I see are county infrastructure, State and Federal Grants, and transparency to District 3. I will be a hands-on working Commissioner.
The election for District 3 Commissioner will be Tuesday, April 6th. Polls will be open for this and other items from 7 am to 7 pm. Get more details at and look for results at the Sapulpa Times Facebook Page. The winner of this election will go on to face the lone Democrat candidate Chris Root in the fall.