County burn ban will remain in effect until Wednesday, officials “not too worried” about fire threat

Alex Walters

At their weekly meeting on Monday morning, the Board of County Commissioners revisited the burn ban implemented in an emergency meeting on Thursday the 23rd, which ends Wednesday the 28th. Covey Murray, Emergency Management Director, said he wasn’t too worried about the fire threat now. He said he believes the burn ban helped, as there weren’t many fires this weekend despite the low humidity. There is a high chance of rain on Thursday, with some parts of Creek County expected to get up to two inches of rain. Murray said the rain won’t fix the drought, but it can ease the burn ban. The commissioners agreed to take no action and revisit the burn ban pending weather conditions this weekend. 

Southstone’s request for a 20-acre lot rezoning from Agricultural to Industrial was unanimously approved. The lot is surrounded by industrial parks and will be a concrete batch and transit ready-mix plant located at 8908 W 81st St S in Tulsa. The only hiccup was the 25-foot easement on 81st, but the applicant assured the board they will have another 25 feet added for a total of a 50-foot easement to better help the flow of traffic. 


Ritchie Real Estate applied for the rezoning of 49.99 acres in Mounds from agricultural to residential to allow the building of a new subdivision. The new single-family homes will be part of Sunset Farms, located at S 49th w Avenue in Mounds.

Steve McGuire was appointed as District #3’s First Deputy and was allowed to take a county-owned vehicle home.

The CIRB 8-year plan was approved by all three commissioners. Leon Warner, District #2 Commissioner, mentioned the last 5-year-plan is going on eleven years of being incomplete, and if this initiative continues at this rate, it will be 100 years before Creek County replaces all its bridges. 

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