County approves applications for new businesses, an RRID in Kellyville, takes steps to combat COVID

In September, the Board of County Commissioners of Creek County unanimously approved a petition from neighbors to create a Rural Road Improvement District (RRID) for South 231st Drive, just south of Kellyville. The area involves 14 properties and 9/10 of a mile of a gravel road with which property owners said they need help. Commissioners suggested creating an RRID, which is “the next best thing to County maintenance,” so residents will have a yearly agreement with the County that will allow them to purchase gravel and have help with equipment and labor from County employees.

At Monday’s BOCC meeting, Commissioners accepted the boundaries of the RRID and the name of “231st Drive Rural Road Improvement District.” An election date will be announced when it is set. Commissioners Warner and Whitehouse offered to help neighbors at their first meeting if needed. This passed unanimously. 

Applicant Sudey Pitezel Sellers was recommended for approval at CCPC to rezone his property from agricultural to commercial for a new Dollar General store on Highway 51 in Mannford. County Planner Wendy Murray stated that they have received some concerns on this project, including having an additional Dollar General within a 10-mile radius of two others, lighting, the shielding of water runoff, increased traffic concerns, and taxes increasing.


AAB Engineering and Surveyor Alan Betchan addressed some of the concerns, saying “we will make sure that the lighting has proper shielding placed” and that they will work with ODOT recommendations for traffic and water runoff issues. He stated that this project “is a multi-step process” and that “we have another level to gain ODOT access approval.” Betchan said that they have done directional traffic studies and have started working with the Electric Cooperative, the Rural Water District, and the State on the septic process. 

He emphasized, “we want to make sure everyone is aware this is a state highway and ODOT requires standards for safety” and has “recommendations that we must meet and permits that must be approved as well. The water issue is another approval we will have to receive from ODOT, again due to this being a state highway access.” 

District 2 Commissioner Leon Warner stressed “the highway safety issues and light issues must be addressed before I can support it.” After more reassurance from Betchan, the application passed the Board unanimously. 

The County Planning Commission approved a rezoning and lot split request on November 17 for Thad Holcomb on his property in Kellyville. This entails rezoning from agricultural to industrial to allow a lot split for meat processing and packing. Murray reported that Tract A will contain 5 acres more or less and become industrial, whereas Tract B will contain around 15 acres and will remain Agricultural. There were some concerns about water usage, runoff, and odors at the CCPC meeting, but these were resolved. Murray stated that Tract A has a 4,000 square foot facility with a cooler and freezer where the business will process and pack beef and pork. They are estimating one kill a day and 20 processings a week. The facility will also have once a week off-ball pickup. The operating hours will be Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the business will be run and operated by the four owners. This was unanimously approved by the Board. 

Kristina and Billy Greene were recommended for approval for a rezoning and lot split request at the Creek County Planning Commission meeting on November 17 so they can open a retail shop in Jennings with a bakery and ammunition store. This also passed the BOCC unanimously. 

Introduced by County Clerk Jennifer Mortazavi in last week’s meeting, the County is considering buying air scrubbers for the Courthouse Complex Buildings, the Jail, the Juvenile Justice Center, and the Election Board. These devices attach to HVAC systems and reduce or remove air pollution, pollen, pet dander, surface contaminants, and more. 

Warner discussed the bid process with Assistant District Attorney Andrew Goforth. Goforth stated that because “this is a Title 61 project” costing “between $5K and $50K, it requires three quotes.” Paul Farris, Project Coordinator, reported that the County has received quotes from Hudson Plumbing, Air Comfort Inc., and K & M Shillingford. He said that there are 50 units total and that all three companies bid I-Wave Air Scrubbers, so the bids should be easy to compare. Another benefit is that the scrubbers do not require any maintenance. 

Warner asked if CARES Act reimbursement funds could be used for this project, and Mortazavi stated that yes, they could, if the Board prefers. Warner said he would like to take a week to look at payment options and get an estimated time of installation of the units. This passed unanimously. 

The emergency resolution enacted due to COVID-19 will be extended one more week. Emergency Management Director Covey Murray stated that on Friday there were 379 active cases with 42 deaths; Sunday those numbers increased to 494 and 43, respectively. There was discussion of the City of Sapulpa Mask Mandate that went into effect November 18. Goforth said that he has reviewed the proclamation and issued guidance to the County. Warner stated that since Sapulpa the buildings fall within the city, the County is also under the mask mandate and will honor it. Warner and Whitehouse voted for the resolution and District 1 First Deputy Rick Selsor, sitting in for Newt Stephens, voted against it. 

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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