Meet the Sapulpa Times Team!

Micah Choquette

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

Lucy Lawson

As the Marketing Coordinator for the City of Sapulpa, Lucy is responsible for making sure the community knows about what’s happening in their city. Through her partnership with Sapulpa Times, the Timeloop Live is one of the most popular ways to stay in the loop with what’s happening in the town we love!

Rachel Whitney

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

Jon Stalnaker

Known as “The Studebaker Dude,” Jon’s experience in writing carried him from his former hometown of Dixon, California to Sapulpa, Oklahoma. A proud owner and aficionado of Studebakers, Jon writes a column on his experiences, both recent and not-so-recent, as a Sapulpa transplant learning to live in the heart of Route 66.