Concern over Alfred’s resignation letter gives way to an “executive session”

When Sapulpa Times and The Sapulpa Daily Herald both published Holmes Park Elementary Principal Bobby Alfred’s resignation letter on the same day, it ignited a fire of passionate responses from the community that had only good things to say about the 42-year veteran educator.

Thursday morning, the day after the letter was released to the public, Sapulpa School Board President Steve McCormick was said to be at the administration building “for the better part of the morning”.

Later Thursday, we found out why, as an “executive session” meeting was scheduled for Monday, June 20th at 9:00am.


The only item on the agenda was clear: “Possible consideration, motion and vote on motion for the board to make any statement or take any action the board deems appropriate with regard to the resignation submitted by Mr. Bobby Alfred.”

An “executive session” school board meeting is not like regular meetings, which are open to the public. Meetings qualifying as “executive session” are closed meetings, and are typically used to deal with important personnel matters and other issues that may arise that warrant a special meeting, but not an “emergency meeting”.

That means that the discussion and decisions in the meeting are not part of the Open Meetings Act, and may not be made public unless the school board and/or superintendent desires so.

The school board members and their contact information can be found here.

Download the full announcement of  School Board “executive session” Agenda here.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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