Communities that Garden Together, Grow Together

This is the mantra behind the new community garden at Caring Community Friends, Creek County’s largest food pantry and emergency service agency.

Dr. Camille C. Teale, Executive Director of Caring Community Friends, said she’s excited about the impact the garden will have on the community.

“The Caring Community Friends Garden hopes to bring people together from various socio-economic classes, generations, and ability levels,” Dr. Teale said. “Most importantly, the garden will be offering another food-resource for low-income individuals.”


Caring Community Friends is inviting the community for a garden party and potluck Oct. 18 at 5:30 p.m. Applications for those interested in renting a garden plot will be provided along with garden sign painting, crafts, games and light snacks. Attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert to share.

The garden was built on September 13, as part of Tulsa Area United Way’s Day of Caring event. Volunteers from T.D. Williamson, provider of pipeline equipment and services with headquarters in Tulsa, supplied all the lumber, garden dirt mix, garden hoses and labor to build 17 garden beds.

The community garden is on a fourth of an acre on the west side of CCF’s property 14 W. Burnham. Visit for more information.


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