Coming Saturday: Farmers’ Market and Plant Sale

The sale will happen on April 30th, 2022; 7:30 AM – 11 AM at the opening of the Farmers Market!

Kathy Berryhill
Creek County Master Gardener

Spring in Oklahoma is so beautiful.  In spite of continuing dry conditions, displays of redbuds, phlox, tulips & daffodils have complimented the greening of the grasses (and the weeds).  For gardeners, almost everything takes a back seat to our gardens at this time of the year!


But for Creek County Master Gardeners, there is an additional task on our list. Many hours are devoted to preparation for the 2022 CCMG Plant Sale.  While many gardening groups offer nursery-grown plants at their sales, the CCMG sale consists of plants that have grown well in the local MGs’ yards or have been started from seed. As such, the variety and uniqueness of the plants are notable.  As Master Gardeners, we have studied the growth and reliability of plants in our area. We observe what thrives and survives and can’t wait to share them with other local gardeners.

The Creek County Master Gardener Plant Sale will be on Saturday, April 30th!

This year’s plant sale will be held on April 30th, coinciding with the opening day of the Main Street Farmer’s Market. We will again be located in the NW corner of the Creek County Courthouse parking lot. The hours will be from 7:30 AM – 11 AM.

Four categories of plants will be available: perennials, annuals, herbs and vegetables. With springtime being the perfect time to divide perennials to encourage new plant starts, there will be many perennials to choose from.  These include Hostas, daylilies, monkey grass, purpleheart, ajuga, sedum, mother of millions, cannas and Rose of Sharon. Butterfly host plants, including rue and parsley, will be available.  Our state butterfly, the Eastern Black Swallowtail will only lay its eggs on 5 plants, two of which include rue and parsley! 

The sale will include pollinator plants, which attract butterflies & bees to gleam nectar from. Available pollinator plants include Japanese Anemone, sunflowers, coneflower, asters, verbena, Eastern Red Columbine, Vining Hyacinth, Black-eyed Susan, daisies, phlox and Mountain Mint.  Drought tolerant sages, ground covers and house plants will be found at the sale as well.

Mammoth Sunflower

The sale includes flowers for sun and shade that spread and provide glorious color every year. Baskets and flower pots of annuals that bloom all season are always a favorite and they are priced to make your plant dollar go further. The herbs and vegetables that season summer dishes are now ready to go into the ground.  Most will provide flavor until our fall freezing temperatures arrive.

In addition to great pricing and a huge variety of plants, attendees will have the benefit of talking with Master Gardeners.  Dressed in the familiar lime green shirts, MGs will be ready to answer your questions about growing conditions, plant diseases, pest control and other gardening issues.

Arrive early for the best selection in plants.  Proceeds from the CCMG Plant Sale help provide funds for scholarships, continuing training and community beautification projects.

Save the Date:  The 2022 CCMG Garden Tour will be held Saturday, June 18th.

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