Virtually every town in the United States has a church. Most cities have many churches. They are a common part of the American landscape. I want to raise the question, though, “Why the church?” Why did Jesus establish the church in the first place? Couldn’t He have arranged it so that people could receive Christ as Savior and then live out their faith in the quietness of their own heart without the church – without fellowship gatherings, baptisms, sermons, and Bible study classes?
Before you answer, let us remember that the church is described in Scripture as the bride of Jesus Christ! Jesus loves the church, so much so that He “gave Himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25). It’s true that the church is far from perfect; nevertheless, the Bible instructs us to be faithful to the church.
For what practical reasons, though, did Jesus create the church? Consider these essential strength-building qualities that a caring, Bible-believing church provides:
- It builds up our spiritual power – it is true that we ought to feed on the Word throughout the week, but there is a unique strength we gain from hearing the Word of God preached and taught at church in the company of other believers.
- It brings a special power of God’s presence – sure, Jesus is with us when we are alone, but Jesus said that when two or three gather in His name, He is in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). He honors those who gather in His name by giving them His power and anointing.
- It provides fellowship with other Christians – one of the most important reasons we go to church is to show love toward our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
- It reinforces the fact that we are a part of a larger entity – by gathering in larger Christian circles, we are reminded that we are not in this alone.
- It is an expression of our love for God – remembering that the church is the bride of Christ, we attend and serve in order to show our love for God and to develop a closer relationship with Him.
- It provides a support system during tough times – I can’t count how many time I’ve heard someone say, “I don’t know how I would have made it had it not been for my church family?” We need one another.
Praise God for His church. Let us do our very best to love it, honor it, strengthen it, and protect it!
Pastor William