Collins Stadium scoreboard renovation underway

(SPS) — A brand new, 500 square ft. digital, high-definition video scoreboard will soon be standing tall in the south end zone at George F. Collins Stadium.

The project is the second of a two-part scoreboard renovation that began last December with a new video scoreboard installation at the Chieftain Center.

Pieces of the video scoreboard sit on the parking lot outside Collins Stadium. In the background are three newly-installed steel beams that will support the new scoreboard. Sheri Waldrop photo.

The new stadium scoreboard, to be debuted for the public at the Class of 2022 graduation on May 20, features a large, high-definition video screen surrounded by a frame. The Sapulpa Chieftains logo will be emblazoned atop the scoreboard, and large, digital scores and statistics will be displayed below, live during athletic events.


The new video scoreboard will enhance the athletic event experience, accommodating live video of games, players, coaches and spectators, as well as instant replays, 3D graphics, sponsor advertisements, half-time performances, and recognition events.

Sapulpa Public Schools’ athletic department, video production coordinator Niko McWilliams, and Chieftain TV advisor Ray Markley and his students will work together to produce live content on the video scoreboard.

“This addition to Collins Stadium will be something special for Sapulpa,” said SPS superintendent Rob Armstrong. “Sapulpa schools play an integral role in bringing our community together. This new scoreboard will really light up our Friday nights during football season. We are looking forward to utilizing this display for many district and community events in the future.”

George F. Collins Stadium underwent a major renovation as part of the 2014 bond issue, which was completed in 2016 but did not include a new score board. Collins Stadium holds more than 4,300 spectators.

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