According to Susan Bencke, Recreation Leader, Sapulpa Parks and Recreation Department, Sapulpa is one of the municipalities that participates in the Oklahoma Wildlife Department’s “Close to Home” fishing program.

The pond at Kelly Lane Park is one of 46 such bodies of water in the State that offer urban fishing opportunities for local anglers.
According to the OWD website:
“The state’s Close to Home Fishing Program was designed as a partnership between the Wildlife Department and municipalities across Oklahoma to provide urban angling opportunities. These small bodies of water are stocked with fish and managed with special regulations, ensuring opportunities exist for anglers who may only have a little time on their hands and nowhere to go. More importantly, they offer urban dwellers an opportunity to frequently share their fishing heritage with others.”
Close to Home Fishing waters have the following restrictions:
Fishing is limited to no more than three rods and reels per person.
No more than three hooks per line are allowed (treble hooks are considered one hook).
No other fishing methods are allowed.
“Close To Home” waters have an aggregate (any combination) limit of three (3) panfish (including bluegill, redear, green sunfish, hybrid sunfish), rainbow trout and channel catfish per person, per day.
No netting of any kind (including cast netting).
Although no city permit is required for fishing in the pond at Kelly Lane, a state fishing license is required for anglers 16 years of age or older.
Kelly Lane is a great place to take the kids of all ages to fish in a serene setting in the middle of town.