This time next year, downtown Sapulpa could look remarkably different, judging by the renderings created for the renovation of Dewey Avenue in the downtown corridors.
The plan for a new downtown Dewey Avenue has been in the works since the passing of the 2020 GO Bond, which included $5 million for renovations to alleyways and Dewey Avenue from Main Street to Elm Street.
City council has been mulling over the options for downtown Dewey Avenue for at least the last two weeks, when the proposals were brought to the study session, leading to lengthy discussions on how to handle one of two major concerns regarding Dewey Avenue: to close the street entirely or leave it open; and whether or not to remove the parallel parking from Dewey Avenue through downtown.
Ultimately, by the time the vote reached City Council on Monday, the options had been modified to forego closing the streets entirely, believing that keeping it open was preferable to those who wanted to drive the Mother Road.
The City Council voted for Option B, which included removing the parallel parking on Dewey Avenue but adding 8 ADA-compliant handicapped parking spaces at each intersection. The sidewalks will be extended to provide for better pedestrian traffic, and the street will be reduced to one lane in each direction with a center lane meant to be reminiscent of the old trolley tracks that used to run down Dewey Avenue—further extending that tie to old Route 66.
There are still a lot of unknowns, including how to pay for it, since the proposal exceeds the initial budget. An exact starting date for construction is unknown but reportedly expected to begin near the first part of 2024.
(Note: these renderings are conceptual, and may not reflect the completed project.)