City Council says goodbye to Lt. Daves, hello to new street project at 49th W. Ave and Hwy 117

Police Lieutenant Jeff Daves was presented with a City Resolution, his service revolver, and a Citizen watch, in celebration of his 24-year service to the City of Sapulpa, from October 1994 to September 2019. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 2015. Thank you, Lt. Daves, from the citizens of Sapulpa!

Police Chief Mike Haefner presents a plaque to retiring Leutenant Jeff Daves.

Guy Engineering Services, Inc. was approved for a Service Agreement for professional services needed for the 49th W. Ave./State Highway 117 Intersection Project, “including Design, Survey, Right of Way Documentation, and Staking at a collective cost of $73,828.00, and Utility Relocation Coordination, Right of Way Acquisition and Environmental Study” for an additional cost of $55,864.00 for a total of $129,692.00. This will be paid for from the Major Thoroughfare Fund, and the County will be also working with Guy Engineering for their part of the project. The first two phases (Design at $53,932.00 and Survey at $19,896.00) will begin immediately.

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