City, Chamber, and Main Street partner with local businesses to Make Sapulpa beautiful!

Photos by Matt Choquette 

Last week the City of Sapulpa, Chamber of Commerce, and Main Street Sapulpa, among other organizations, held a series of Earth Day events to commemorate and honor the holiday and to beautify the community, including trash and litter pickup targeting specific areas of town. The latter coincided with the City’s first bi-annual Clean-Up Day of the year on Saturday, April 24th. 

On Friday, the Chamber partnered with Main Street to beautify downtown streets and landscaping. Cindy Lawrence, Main Street’s director, and Suzanne Shirey, the Chamber’s director, enlisted several local entities to help. First United Bank employees planted flowers at Martha’s Corner, OG&E trimmed tree branches, Reed Sparks Architecture “fluffed” the rock beds lining Dewey, and the Salvation Army cleaned and freshened up Heritage Park. 


The City hosted their first annual Earth Day Block Party at the Elks Lodge on Saturday. The state’s Keep Oklahoma Beautiful organization donated trash pickup kits with trash bags and gloves that were able to be picked up at the Lodge from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Volunteers were directed to different locations in the City that needed a little extra help with litter, and afterwards turned in their full trash bags in exchange for lunch and the chance to socialize with friends and family.  

Jordan Ascencio’s Big Hearts Young Minds youth volunteer group met at Martha’s Corner to clean up a stretch of Dewey on Saturday afternoon, then made their way to the Elks Lodge to help organize those cleanup efforts. 

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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