Citizens dealing with the fallout of recent changes in zoning law

The February 18th Creek County Planning Commission meeting was delayed 43 minutes due to the lack of a quorum. There were six board members present at the scheduled starting time. The planning commission is a 12-member board, currently operating with 10 board members. Frantic phone calls went out to obtain a 7th member, since rescheduling the meeting was not considered due to the large number of agenda items. Board member Zane Goodman walked into the room and the meeting was called to order at 6:43 p.m.

Lot Splits

There were seven lot splits that were unanimously approved as a single consent item:

CCLS-2652, John Brock,13145 W.Teel Rd; CCLS-2653, Matthew Lester,18555 Highway 75 A, Mounds; CCLS-2656, Valerie Dawn Milberry, Shannon Wayne Fargo, and Gerald Wayne Fargo,14178 S. 177th. W. Ave., Kellyville; CCLS-2657, Norma and Claudis Woodberry, 23214 Slick Road, Kellyville; CCLS-2658, Jered and Jessica McCaskey,19880 Slick Road, Kellyville


CCLS-2660, Jolene Martin, 4670 Martin Drive, Tulsa; CCLS-2662, Lense Ramey III, northwest corner of S. 49th W. Ave and Hilton Rd., Sapulpa.


Michael Schwinn’s request (case CCZ-2003) was unanimously approved to rezone from a Light Industrial District to an Agricultural District to allow the raising of farm animals at 17999 S. 49th W. Ave, Mounds.

The board unanimously approved case CCZ-2004 and case CCLS-2659 requested by Susan and Steven Williams to rezone Tract 1 to Commercial to allow a storage facility and Tract 2 to Agriculture to allow the raising of farm animals at 35550 W. 87th Place South, Mannford.

Board members approved case CCZ-2005 requested by Mark Remington to rezone from Manufactured Home District to Agricultural District to allow the raising of farm animals at 36061 St. South, Mannford.

Frankhoma Land Management’s request (case CCZ-2006) to rezone a tract located at the southwest corner of Highway 166 and Frankhoma Road, was unanimously approved to rezone from Agricultural District to Industrial to allow industrial subdivisions, creating an industrial park with 9 to 10 lots with up to 5,000 square foot buildings.

Rezoning case CCZ-2007 and CCLS-2261, requested by Brian and Ashton Casey, to rezone from an Agricultural District to Light Residential, to allow a lot split, proved contentious.

The applicant, Brian Casey, wanted the rezoning to facilitate a lot split to build a bigger home on the property and to sell the existing home and newly-created lot. Casey stated that the opposition reminded him that he had signed a contract stating he would not split the lot. He said he remembers agreeing to not build a modular home, however, he did not remember agreeing to not split the lot.

Deborah Sewell speaks up in the County Commissioners meeting, about a lot split which she says will increase the likelihood of accidents on her street.

Deborah Sewell, 13368 W. 81st St. South, voice her opposition before the board. She sold the tract of land to Casey in 2007 and said she was “not sure of the verbiage,” but implied there was a “gentleman’s agreement” not to split the lot. Sewell said the proposed house would be “right behind her” and felt she would be “landlocked.” Sewell told the board this was an issue of safety. Since Casey and the Sewells share one driveway, which is at the bottom of a very steep hill, she was afraid that the extra traffic from another home would increase the possibility of an accident.

J. D. Smith, who was the realtor who sold the property, said he made sure the tract was slightly under 5 acres to ensure that as an agriculturally-zoned property, it could not be split into two lots. Board member Randy Wood advised Smith that zoning laws have recently changed. Deborah Sewell’s husband, Gerald Sewell, had a signed petition in opposition to the rezoning and lot split. 

Board members Leon Warner and Randy Wood explained that the dispute between Casey and the Sewells was outside the purview of the planning commission. They could only approve or deny the request based on existing laws and ordinances. Wood and Warner said the planning commission is merely an advisory board and the final decision would be made by the Creek County Board of Commissioners. The board voted 4-3 to approve the rezoning and lot split request.

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

The board voted unanimously to retain Randy Wood as Chair and David Smith as Vice-Chair for the CCPC 2020 fiscal year.

The Creek County Planning Commission meets the third Tuesday of every month in the Collins Building.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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