Celebrate Graduation Safely; Don’t Provide Alcohol to Minors

High school seniors across the country are studying for their final exams in preparation for graduation. Graduation is a big accomplishment, and will likely be followed by parties honoring the students. Oklahoma State University’s department of Prevention Programs wants to remind everyone to celebrate safely and follow the law by not providing alcohol to minors.

The 2016 Oklahoma Prevention Needs Assessment (OPNA) reports 47% of Oklahoma seniors, who drank, were provided the alcoholic beverage from someone they knew over the age of 21. The current culture regarding alcohol use by minors suggests that many parents feel that this behavior is okay, as long as they can supervise it. However, underage drinking is not only dangerous for youth physically, it is also illegal.

Oklahoma’s social host law is intended to crack down on adults who allow underage drinking at their residence. This includes family members like parents and older siblings who provide alcohol to minors. Under the law, individuals as young as 17 can be charged and held accountable if a minor is found to be in possession of alcohol.


The law, known as Cody’s Law, states that “no person shall knowingly and willfully permit any individual under twenty-one (21) years of age who is at the residence of the person or any building, structure or room owned, occupied, leased or otherwise procured by the person or on any land owned, occupied, leased or otherwise procured by the person, to possess or consume any alcoholic beverage.”

Those found in violation of Cody’s Law can be charged with a misdemeanor, be required to pay a $500 fine, or even be sentenced to five years in prison. Repeated convictions result in felony charges.

Under the law, prosecutors are not required to show that the host actually provided the alcohol; they simply need to demonstrate that the host provided a space that allowed minors to consume alcohol.

Local graduation ceremonies are fast approaching.  Help keep graduation happy and safe; don’t provide alcohol to minors. For more information about the Social Host Law contact the Regional Prevention Coordinator (RPC), funded by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS), (918)765-1248.

If you suspect underage drinking is taking place at a party, please contact the local police department or Sheriff’s Office.

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