Bubb’s Creek Motocross approved by county with restrictions

The Creek County Board of Adjustment unanimously approved an exemption on Monday to the agricultural zoning restrictions to allow Bubb’s Creek, the popular new motocross track that we covered last weekend, to continue operations.

The meeting, which had to be held at the Creek County Fairgrounds due to the expected number of attendees, was a mixture of camo, blue jeans, and neon yellow t-shirts given out by the owners of the motocross track.

Neighbors stood up to address the board, mostly concerned with things like traffic and property values. Some said the noise was an issue, but others disagreed.


For their part, the owners of Bubb’s Creek don’t want any issues with their neighbors, they’re just looking to bring this sport to the area because of how much it ties families together, and for the revenue potential it could bring to the county. “We literally stopped doing anything when we found out there was an issue,” says owner Jack Brassfield. “It’s not ready yet. We haven’t had one race.”

Katie Brown stood at the meeting told the crowd and the board to consider the income potential. “We are a motocross family,” she said. “If you guys want to see our streets fixed, we need to let them be here because right now, all our money is going to [the motocross track in Okmulgee].”

Ultimately the decision was met with applause and cheers when the board approved the exception with the following restrictions:

  • Restricted to one weekend a month, during that weekend they must have traffic control for both sides of that bridge, with priority given to the neighbors for ingress and egress.
  • The hours of operation cannot exceed 10 am to 6 pm.
  • That weekend cannot be extended past 2 days.
  • All trash must be picked up 24 hours after the event that is accumulated or the result of Bubbs Creek.
The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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