In a ceremony attended by their family, Troop, and friends, Gabriel Jackson and Kaden Jackson celebrated their achievement of the Boy Scouts of America Rank of Eagle Scout at Camp Okiwanee. They were honored to have 8 other Eagle Scouts present. Silver Beaver, Bart Bartlett emceed the Court of Honor.

Both boys joined Cub Scouts when they were first graders as Tiger Cubs in Pack 504 that used to meet at Woodlawn School. They continued through all the Cub Scout ranks and joined Boy Scouts at the end of their 5th grade years. This past summer they had the opportunity to participate in a Philmont high adventure trek at Cimarron, New Mexico. Philmont and Eagle Scout are two of the most sought after achievements in Scouting.
To earn Eagle Scout young men must complete 22 merit badges, perform community service projects and be active leaders in their Troop. Among the merit badges required are Citizenship in the Community, Nation and World, Camping, Swimming, First Aid, Emergency Preparedness, and Cooking. In earning these badges boys develop life skills that serve them as well as their community and country. Earning Eagle Scout is a process that requires commitment and determination. It generally takes 4-6 years to complete all the requirements. The U.S. Military recognizes the skills learned by Eagle Scouts. Upon enlistment, an Eagle Scout is awarded an automatic step in rank in all branches of service.
A major part of the trail to Eagle is the planning, supervising and completion of an Eagle Scout Service Project. Eagle Scout candidates must seek out a project that provides a lasting benefit to the community. Once they find a project they design a plan for completion, raise money for materials, schedule work days, and supervise both youth and adults in the completion of the project.

Gabe’s Eagle Project was to build a permanent memorial at a Freedom Park for fallen 45th Infantry member, and family friend, Kirk A. Owen. The project took about 100 man hours and cost over $300. He designed a raised flower bed made from foundation stones salvaged from a Sapulpa home that was razed to make way for Holmes Park Elementary. The bed was planted native flowers and shrubs that would return on an annual basis so the memorial will always have greenery.
Kaden’s Eagle Project consisted of assembling and installing four instrument cabinets and four music library cabinets in the George Brite Band Hall. Scouts and parents gave up their Valentine’s Day weekend to complete the project which resembled a giant Lego set. Kaden’s project involved almost 120 man hours of labor.
Once the badges are earned, project complete, and Troop responsibility requirements are met, the boys must submit the plan, completion details of their project along with before and after pictures, and Eagle Scout application to the Indian Nations Council. Then they will undergo a board of review where they will be questioned about their Scouting experience, plans for the future, and how they can use their Scout knowledge to make their world a better place. The board consists of adult leaders from Troops other than their own.
Beyond Eagle Scout there are other honors that Scouts can earn. Order of the Arrow is the Honor Society of Scouting. Candidates are selected through secret ballot by their Troop members. Pine Tree is an intensive leadership training, which prepares older Scouts to become leaders.
Gabe earned his Eagle Scout on June 30, 2015 and has earned a total of 29 Boy Scout Merit Badges. Gabe was elected to Order of the Arrow in 2014 and earned his Brotherhood in September 2015. He completed the Pine Tree leadership training in 2013 with Pine Tree Troop 115. He has served as Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, and Webmaster for Troop 224. He hopes to work at Philmont during the summer while he attends college. Gabe is a junior at Sapulpa High School and plays percussion in the Sapulpa High School Band. He also participates in competitive tap dancing with Ovations Studio in Sapulpa.
Kaden earned his Eagle Scout on April 15, 2015 and has earned a total of 42 Boy Scout Merit Badges. He was elected to Order of the Arrow this year and completed his Ordeal this September. He completed the Pine Tree Leadership training in 2014 with Pine Tree Troop 117 and served as youth staff for Pine Tree Troop 119 in 2015. Kaden currently serves as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 224. He plans to serve on an Order of the Arrow Trail Crew at Philmont next summer and hopes to earn the honor of Senior Patrol Leader for a future Pine Tree training. Kaden is a sophomore at Sapulpa High School and plays tuba in the Sapulpa High School Band and guitar in the Sapulpa High School Jazz Band. He is also a member of the Sapulpa FFA competitive shotgun shooting team.
Gabe and Kaden are the sons of Dennis and Cheryl Jackson of Sapulpa.
Sapulpa has two Scout Troops that meet weekly. Troop 224 meets at the First Presbyterian Church on Monday nights at 7pm and boys can join any time of year. Young men between 6th grade and 18, and their parents are welcome to come to a meeting and see what Scouting is all about. Other area Troops and information about Cub and Boy Scouts can be found at
Featured Image: Kaden & Gabe presenting each other with Eagle neckerchief and slide