BOCC enters executive session to discuss death of County Treasurer

By Charles Betzler

The Board of County Commissioners voted to go into executive session at the regularly scheduled meeting Monday, June 12, to discuss the passing of Don Engle, County Treasurer.

Chair Newt Stephens prefaced the vote by stating; “With heavy heart, we have to deal with this today. We will need an executive session to discuss the loss of our treasurer this weekend, unexpectedly, quickly.”


Upon exiting the executive session and reconvening the regular session, Commissioner Leon Warner made a statement about the passing of the County treasurer.

“Let’s just start by acknowledging that Don Engle, our treasurer, passed away yesterday. We are all saddened by the news. Don was a great servant for Creek County and was just a little shy of completing eight years of service.”

Warner then said the executive session dealt with the process for replacing the treasurer. It was announced that First Deputy Treasurer, Theresa Whisenhunt, would assume the duties of treasurer until an interim treasurer is appointed.

Don won his reelection bid in November 2022, however the treasurer’s term coincides with the fiscal year, thus, he was due to be sworn into office in July.

A “special’ election will be called during the next regular election cycle, which will be in 2024.

Filing for the office will be mid-year 2024 with primaries subsequently taking place prior to the general election in November. If the candidate has no primary opponents, or opposing party opponents, he or she will then become the new treasurer, taking office in July 2025.

Stephens said the procedure for appointment will be discussed at the next meeting.

When speaking of Don Engle’s years serving as County treasurer, Newt Stephens said “He fulfilled those duties honorably, he will be missed. We do need prayers for the family and all those who worked with him, they have trying days ahead of them.”

In other business:

 The Board voted to award the 3-Month Asphalt and Emulsions Bid, designated as per district. Commissioners voted to award the 6-Month Bridge & Highway Materials and Professional Services bid, designated as per district. 

The Board to approve Resolution#2023-72 amending Resolution#2013-41 rezoning Lots 3 through 5 of Block 3 of Oaks Estate Addition from Agricultural District to Industrial District and correcting Lot 6 to Agricultural District. County Planner, Wendy Murray, addresses the Board with the staff report and stated her department had discovered several errors in the 2013 resolution finding that the zoning regulations were incorrect.” We ask that the Board approve the stated zoning changes applied in the current resolution. All owners have agreed to the changes in writing, as well.”

The Board voted to approve a utility permit request from East Central Cooperative, per County Specs, to lay fiber optic cable, to parallel and cross various locations in Section 13, T14 North, R6 East in District #3. Item #16: 

Commissioners voted to accept the single bid from Smith Pump & Well Service for $129,918.22, for Curry Well Rehab/Pump Electric and Labor Project, for the City of Drumright, ARPA Project #1566-5.18-74030-4110 phase I, and REAP Projects #220120 & 210103 and to table the item for one week until 6-19-23 to award or deny.

The Board of County Commissioners meet every Monday at 9 a.m., in the upstairs meeting room at the Collins Building.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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