The Board of County Commissioners voted to begin the process of appointing a County Treasurer to fill the vacancy left by the untimely death of Don Engle. Chair Newt Stephens said he had “done his homework” and he had found the minutes from the March 23rd, 2011 BOCC meeting which dealt with appointing the County Clerk.

“We know now that’s an appointment for two years, then there will be a special election in the regular election cycle. The way we did it last time was a good, solid way. It calls for resumes, do a short list from the resumes, we will have interviews in executive session, and we will appoint from there,” said Stephens.
The County will be accepting applications, beginning on June 19, 2023, and ending at 5 p.m. on July 07, 2023. All applications must be turned in to the Creek County Clerk’s Office at 317 E. Lee, Suite 100, Sapulpa, OK 74066, or emailed to The Board then will receive copies from the Clerk by July 10th, to review with possible discussion at that regular meeting, and then start the interview process on July 17, 2023. This application process will also be published two times in the Sapulpa Herald, June 24 and July 01, as well as being published on the County website.
Stephens told the Board: ”This is the fairest and most transparent way to do it that I can think of to do it and give everyone an equal opportunity to be a part of it.”
In other County business:
The Board voted to approve to sign a resolution updating the facsimile signatures for American Heritage Bank, thus adding Teresa Whisenhunt, as Acting-Treasurer.
Commissioners voted to approve the allocation of Beverage Tax to be distributed as follows: Bristow $3,431.44; Depew $332.00; Drumright $2,067.91; Kellyville $823.12; Kiefer $1,766.61; Lawrence Creek $97.74; Mannford $2,634.97; Mounds $752.85; Oilton $714.88; Sapulpa $17,713.73; and Slick $121.97.
The Board voted to award Bid#23-25 for commonly used items, to Merrifield Office Supply, since they are the lowest and best bid.
Commissioners voted to let for bid for an equipment shed bay enclosure for District #2 to be opened on 7-17-23. Commissioner Leon Warner stated that Glen Musser has been working with his district on the new shed that was built. “We would like to enclose on bay out of the four built. We have the specs and the whole project will remain under the $100,000.00 mark,” said Warner.
The Board voted to approve a resolution directing the Creek County Treasurer to credit the Creek County Highway District #2 Capital Outlay Account 1102-6-4200-4110/T3-2 with $3,634.91, and the Creek County Highway District #2 Highway Tax Account 1313-6-8042-2002/HTX2-2 with $368.92 from ACCO (Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma) for the total amount of $4,003.83, for the theft of stolen tools and a radio occurring on May 17, 2012, as per Title 62 O.S. 335, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor’s Office.
Commissioners awarded a bid for Curry Well Rehab/Pump project and the required labor, for the City of Drumright ARPA Project, phase I and phase II, and REAP Projects, to Smith Pump and Well Service contingent upon the approval of the City of Drumright.
The Board voted to approve the use of ARPA Funds for a project on South 161 st. West, from one-quarter mile west of 71st St. South to West 81st St. South, in District #2,
in the amount of $332,357.00. Warner stated this project has three projects within it. “We are focusing on our major collector roads for our projects. This project is needed, and we will be doing roughly four miles. This project will require some culvert and widening that will be paid from other funds,” stated Warner.
The Board of County Commissioners meets every Monday at 9 a.m., in the upstairs meeting room (the old ballroom) at the Collins Building.