Blue Star Mothers go RED

At 9 a.m., Monday, September 17, 2018, the Creek County Commissioners met in the Conference Room of the Collins Building to conduct County business.

Commissioners Lane Whitehouse, Leon Warner, and Newt Stephens, Jr., were present and voting. County Commission Clerk Jennifer Mortazavi recorded the proceedings.
One of the first items on the agenda was the Commissioners signing a Proclamation for “Wear Red Fridays,” a movement begun by the Blue Star Mothers, a group of volunteers who gather, wrap, and send packages to deployed personnel worldwide. There is an active membership in Creek County. RED stands for “Remember Everyone Deployed.” The Proclamation praises those who “selflessly serve” in all branches of military service. T-shirts are available with a red and white design from the Blue Star Mothers for $12.00. For more information contact

Pending purchase orders were approved for general, highway, cash accounts, grant funds, monthly reports and many other items listed on the Verification Report which is available for Public Viewing during the meeting.


The awards for the three Districts’ 3-month bridge and highway material bids are listed online at the Creek County website, Look for #19-3 on Bid Lists, and then Bid Awards. At press time, the awards had not been posted.

A donation to the Sheriff’s Office by the non-profit organization, First In, resulted in 2,500 rounds of practice ammunition being available for various weapons in the arsenal, so the deputies can train more. It was gladly accepted.
Bret Bowling, County Sheriff, was added as Requisitioning Officer for Public Facilities Trust Account CJM5. (CJM5 is the County Jail Maintenance Trust account). Since the county can only have 2 such officers, the current one, Commissioner Newt Stephens, Jr., stepped down.

Commissioner Warner stated that an intersection at 141st and 401st in District #2, created by work done there on the bridge and rerouting, has made a stop sign necessary for safety. It was unanimously approved.
Three printers in the Assessor’s office were approved to be surplussed and will be removed.

There were 3 items concerning disposal of property from the Health Department in Drumright. Commissioner Stephens said his office “could use a couple of desks,” and Commissioner Warner said he would “try and find homes for some of these (pieces of property).”

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m. The next meeting is 9 a.m. sharp in the Commissioners’ Conference Room Suite 103 of the Collins Building. The public is encouraged to attend county meetings since this is where decisions are made about your tax money and your county.

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