Bethel Foundation impacts single mothers across the state

The birth of any organization never comes from nothing, it always comes from something. Whether it is sorrow, pain, loss, or struggle there is always a stronger woman or man that turns those feelings into something good. They somehow pick themselves up, look around and realize, they are not alone and there is no one to help.

That is when organizations like the “Bethel Foundation” are born. Over thirty years ago, Reverend Lynda K. Powell was a struggling single mother. She was struggling in every way a single mother could, struggling to find the resources to give her child the life they deserved. Through times of discouragement Lynda made a vow to the Lord to help other struggling mothers. She has since devoted her life to helping others and has impacted over 60,000 mothers in Oklahoma.

The Bethel Foundation, officially a 501© 3 non-profit in 2015, helps single mothers by holding dozens of classes, conferences, training programs and camps in order to enrich the lives of single mothers and their children  They use their resources to empower the entire family and help them grow and reach their full potential. They fill in the gaps that are left from welfare or that welfare doesn’t reach. They also are there for single mothers emotionally and spiritually proving they are more than just an organization. Their care and love shows from their growth over the years, the first year they helped twelve mothers and last year they helped over 12,000.


Tori Overton a recipient of the Bethel Foundation said she came to the Bethel Foundation four years ago while in college. She had hit hard times with no job, water or heat in her home. She said they provided food, clothing, help during the holidays, even providing a scholarship for her to continue her education. She received constant support and encouragement. Tori said she would tell any single mother in her position, “…please realize that the Bethel Foundation is a place you can go to and not be judged by your circumstance but will be provided help when in need. I would like to say to Mrs. Lynda Powell and the staff that you all have been a complete life saver for my daughter and I.”

For the Bethel Foundation possibilities begin and the world becomes a better place when we are “changing lives one mother and child at a time”.

For women that do need help, you can simply stop by the Bethel Foundation at 13003 N. Western Avenue in Oklahoma City– no appointment necessary. Simply bring your ID. From there they will speak to you about your needs and decide what programs are right for your family and will notify you if any other information is needed. You can also call (405) 286-3700 or email and ask questions. They are open Monday thru Thursday.

Impact Challenge

Do you know any single mothers that are struggling but are afraid to ask for help? I want you to encourage them to contact this foundation; it could just what they need to get back on their feet.


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