Story by Jon Stalnaker
AKA The Studebaker Dude
I don’t think my friends in California understand how I can be so thrilled with the snowstorm that is sweeping our nation right now. It showed up in Sapulpa on Sunday morning about 11am and stayed long enough for me to get a great photograph of our “Home on the Hill” covered in white. I already had a nice picture of our house in the snow but this one turned out even better. The previous picture was taken the morning after the snow and it has a beautiful blue sky background. I took this one while it was still snowing and I like the grey sky background even better. It was fun being awake and watching the snow collect on the ground until it was built up to a complete blanket of white. I had to venture out to capture the moment on my cell phone. I did, however, take the time to put on my cleated snow shoes first. I learned my lesson almost two years ago when I ignored my wife’s advice not to go out and shovel ice. That bonehead action gave me plenty to write about over the past two years.

Being born and raised in the Central Valley of California, I had little experience with snow. We saw snow in California when I was younger, but we always had to drive up to see it. That gave me almost no opportunity to learn snow etiquette when I was young enough to be able to fall without causing severe physical injury. I was stationed in Denver Colorado in the winter of 1970, so I did experience a few things. I shared a basement apartment with a friend from New Hampshire and he showed me how to build a snowman and taught me how to ski. He also showed me why you do not build a lookout hole in your fortress wall during a snowball fight. The first time I peeked out of it, he nailed me with a snowball in the face. I filled in the hole. All of these memories just made me pine for a home where there are four seasons. Besides, being retired I don’t need to go out when the roads are covered with snow and ice. The weather forecasting in Oklahoma is so good that we get plenty of opportunities to prepare for the inclement landscape. I was looking forward to this storm, and it was a big one. My West Coast friends were not immune from it either, so when I posted my delight on Facebook, they all thought I was nuts. They may be right, but it’s not going to keep that smile off my face. The only thing missing about the snow around here is that it is too dry to make a snowman or even snowballs. I tried again with this storm but the snow just crumbled in my mittens. That’s okay, I’m a bit old to be having a snowball fight anyway. But I would enjoy building a snowman. I’ve been wanting to do some sculpting for some time now. I suppose I am going to have to use clay instead.
The snow came down yesterday and I just enjoyed looking at it and taking pictures. Today I ventured out to shovel it on the cement areas where I need to walk. (mostly the patio and the sidewalk to the trash can). Tomorrow, if it’s still on the ground, I’ll clear a path to the mailbox for the letter carrier, and the front porch for UPS, Amazon and Fed Ex. Today is a holiday so they shouldn’t show up today. Happy Birthday MLK Jr.
There wasn’t much snow last year and so that added to my delight. My heart does go out to those that have to venture out in it, especially those that have to drive to work. That’s one of the bad things about locations that only get occasional snow, there seems to be so many people that forget about how to drive in it. I noticed that when I lived in Denver back in 1970, and I see it here on the news. Slow down folks, you can’t make any time if you have to wait for a tow truck. I feel for my daughter and her husband Tim who have to tend to their farm animals. It’s freezing cold out there but it only slows them down. They are taking good care of their critters. While we have experienced disruption in our internet service, we don’t have to worry about losing power as we now have Generac backup. Not looking forward to having to use it but it’s there if we need it. (just like our “Fraidy Hole”)
Carlene and I are just chillin’ in our jammies watching post season football on TV. We both worked hard for decades to earn the privilege that seemed so far away back in the 70s. I remember the days when we were just starting out in the world of the working class like it was yesterday. Hang in there, it sneaks up quicker than you think. I remember thinking I wouldn’t even live long enough to retire, yet, here I am. Be safe out there and stay warm.