Been There, Done That: Silly or Snot Funny?

Story by Jon Stalnaker AKA The Studebaker Dude

I was reminiscing the other day about the time I ate a hamburger sundae at an ice cream parlor in Stockton, my hometown. There was a sign posted that said if you were brave enough to eat it, you would get a lapel pin stating “I ate a hamburger sundae at Dreyer’s”. Just to clarify, it was an ice cream sundae on top of a hamburger patty, not ice cream inside a hamburger bun. My courage was challenged, and I stepped forward, not because the thought of a hamburger sundae appealed to me, but because I wanted that pin as a token of my immense bravery (or was it my total gullibility?). I wore the pin frequently and cherished the conversation starter it always was. I wish I still had it, but life has taken me far and wide and the pin was small enough to fall through the many cracks I faced in life. That sundae tasted pretty good, though.

It was a sign of the kind of silliness that permeates my thought processes. I like doing things that serious-minded people shake their heads at. I’ve always thought people with no sense of humor were boring, and the more they looked at me with contempt, the more I wanted to press the boundary of silly versus not funny. Let me give you a few examples of some of the things of which I am most proud. I have an uncanny ability to state BS with a straight face, leading the listener to wonder if I’m lying, or speaking an incredible truth. Oftentimes, I do not reveal the answer to that question, and the truth comes out years later when life’s BS detectors become more honed. For example, when my daughters were younger, maybe 6 to 8 years old, I took them to Disneyland. The looks of awe and wonder were all over their faces, and I couldn’t resist taking advantage of their innocence. I told them about the animatronics technology there, and how real everything looked. We took the horse drawn carriage ride down main street and I commented that the animatronics were so life-like that even the horses pooped. Their trusting eyes motivated me to continue with my shenanigans; we boarded the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride, and as we started, I told them that some of the pirates were real people and they should point out the real actors when they saw one. “There’s one daddy,” they would say, and I seriously commented, “I think you are right.”

A scene from the Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland. Photo by Brett Kiger via Flickr.

Several decades later, my daughter Jillian called me on the phone and told me she was a teenager when she realized that I was only pulling her leg about it. Instead of getting mad at me, she confessed that it was brilliantly executed and she tried it on her two daughters. They were a similar age, but Jillian was disappointed that they both called her out about it. They didn’t buy it for a second. I laughed hysterically and was so proud of myself for pulling that one off so many years ago.

I think it was about 30 years ago; my wife and I were commuting together. I would drive her to work at her post office and continue on to the one I was working at and reverse the commute home at the end of the day. We had to maneuver heavy traffic on the freeway and I noticed the big rig in front of me had 3 sets of taillights and 3 axles on the trailer. I pointed it out to her telling her that it was a requirement. I then saw one with 2 and 2 and one with 1 and 1 to showed her it was real. I kept it up all the way to work, pointing out the ones that fit what I was saying and not pointing out the ones that didn’t. I thought she knew me well enough not to buy it, but I apparently underestimated my skills as a storyteller. On the way home, I confessed I was just kidding, and she slugged me in the arm. She said, “Lucky for you I didn’t say anything to my co-workers, I almost did”. I think I figured out the difference between silly and “snot funny” that day.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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