Been There, Done That: Daughters Day

Story by Jon Stalnaker AKA The Studebaker Dude

I saw a memory on Facebook about a story I wrote 3 years ago in California. I thought I would submit it locally as it clearly explains my motivation for moving to Oklahoma. At the time I wrote that story, my wife and I had not even considered moving here. Little did we know at the time that we would be moving also, in a short 4 months. My daughter Jillian was not here long before she started planting seeds about how nice it is around these here parts. This is the story mostly as written 3 years ago:

By the time you read this, my daughter Jillian will be in her new home state of Oklahoma. As I write this, she and her husband are planning to head out tonight. She had come to Dixon to visit with me a couple of times in the last month and has been pretty busy this last week preparing for the move. I was wanting to see her again but due to the fact that we couldn’t travel to see her, I wasn’t about to impose upon her to take time out of her busy activities to come up here to see me again. I wasn’t about to ask her to do that. I did call her though. I was reluctant to call for fear I would lose it emotionally and I didn’t want to put any more stress on her than she already had. Well, I blew that one. She kept telling me it was alright, but I don’t think it was.


Last night they called to pick up a trailer they had reserved in Turlock, only to find out they would have to drive all the way to Woodland to get it. They called me to see if we could get together one more time since Woodland is so close to Dixon. Carlene and I were both happy to hear this. We drove to Woodland and had dinner at Black Bear. It was so great to have another opportunity to send her off without being an emotional wreck. I was much better this time.

I am trying to look at the positive side of this move and the best thing I could come up with was that being in the center of the continental United States, I have an opportunity to stop and visit when I am on my way to the International Studebaker Meets that I am now required to attend. Next year it is supposed to be in Indianapolis, so Oklahoma is right on the way. 

Jillian is a strong, hard-working, intelligent woman that has never been afraid to explore new ideas, skills, and/or environments. I don’t think there is anything she can’t do once she sets her mind to it. She is fearless and awesome. I hope my pride shines brightly through my words. I am in awe of her excellence.

As a father, I have to admit that part of me is happy that she is leaving before she got too involved in being a firefighter. She successfully went through the training, and I was a nervous wreck thinking about the possibility that she might have to put herself in harm’s way. With all the fires that are destroying not only our wilderness areas but people’s homes, I selfishly didn’t want her to be out in that mess. But I was not surprised that she wanted to do that. That’s just who she is.

My way of coping with stress is to immerse myself into something completely different. I may be retired but I don’t just sit around watching TV. I have my stories to write. It really helps me to get these things off my chest. And this Studebaker Director job is taking more of my time than I originally thought it would. I am rather enjoying it though, so that helps me out too. I have a vigorous exercise regimen, I keep busy.

I would be doing much more were it not for the pandemic, but my workload is just about right at this time. God’s got my back and is giving me just enough to keep me from losing it, but I am living dangerously close to the edge. I know there is more heartache on the horizon, and I just need to keep praying for the strength I need to see it though. I have a wonderful wife and a pretty good life, who am I to complain?

I love you Jillian. Good luck, be safe, and enjoy your adventure.

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