The 88th Annual Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce Banquet was held Thursday, January 24th at Freddie’s BBQ & Steakhouse. The presenting sponsor was American Heritage Bank.
The evening began with a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem by Alexis Hilbert, wife of District 29 State Representative Kyle Hilbert. The Invocation was performed by Father Keith Fallis of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church.
During a delicious dinner, the Program’s Master of Ceremonies, The Honorable Judge Rick Woolery, delighted invitees with his satirical remarks as he introduced special guests. Though there are too many to name here, highlights were local politicians and judges, Sapulpa City Council Members, local businesses who were table sponsors, and City of Sapulpa VIPs. A special thank you also went out to the businesses and Chamber staff that helped to make the evening possible.
Next the incoming Chairman of the 2019 Board of Directors of the Chamber, Jonathan Hendricks of Spirit Bank, presented an award to Peggy Alverson, the outgoing Chairman of the Board. He also recognized the 2018 Board of Directors: Steve Cedoz, Dr. Kim Howard, Eric Klein, and David Reed.
Hendricks further went on to discuss how strong and outstanding our Chamber is. He said we have an excellent Chamber President in Suzanne Shirey. Without her we would not be able to embody our focus for 2019, which in one word is “connect.”
He stated that “One of the Chamber’s main goals is to connect people together. We want to connect our town to the services our members provide. Connecting people is our focus…None of the progress the Chamber seeks would be possible without everyone in this room. Together we can be the LINK in the chain to a better, thriving community.”
Chairman Hendricks also commented on the Chamber’s new logo and mission statement, created by local partner Sequoyah Technologies, which the Chamber will use to “strive to create a larger connection with both our community and commerce, both of which are vital to help Sapulpa prosper in the years ahead.”
The 2019-2020 Chamber Board of Directors were announced, along with the Executive Directors. Directors are Rob Armstrong, Mark Lawson, Joan Riley, Brian Sherwood, and Newt Stephens, and Executive Directors are, as previously stated, Chairman Jonathan Hendricks, Chairman-Elect Cathy DuPriest, Secretary/Treasurer Jim Dilley, and Past Chairman Peggy Alverson.
Novak wins Board Member of the Year

Next President Suzanne Shirey presented a special award to the Board Member of the Year, Meredith Novak, of American Heritage Bank.
Shirey stated that Novak “has truly gone above and beyond” and “has served more than her share on our Executive Board, stepping in when we had an additional year’s vacancy.” She regrets that she is “losing her from the board, but [wanted] to take this opportunity to thank her for her service.”
Novak graciously accepted the accolades and her plaque.

Shirey then announced the Chamber’s Corporate Partner of the Year, Waste Management, represented by Rick Sheffey and Jeremy Ford. Shirey remarked that this company “has exemplified the characteristics of both community involvement and City and Chamber service.” In addition to having a “long and beneficial partnership with these leaders,” they play “an integral part of the Pride in Sapulpa committee” and she would be “remiss if [she] did not mention the invaluable service of Jeremy Ford and his help with [their] biannual free clean up days. He is always there greeting our citizens with a smile and helps with anything he can. Jeremy and his crew have the utmost respect and customer service for our town.”
Sheffey and Ford gladly accepted their award.
For the most awaited part of the evening, David Beyer, the 2017 recipient of the award, announced the 2018 Sapulpa Citizen of the Year. This prestigious member of the community joins the ranks of local citizens such as Ted Fisher, Lon Jackson, Jr., Marcus Horn, Carol McMasters, and Brian Bingman, to name just a very, very few.
This year’s recipient was Harrison Irving Bartlett II, locally known as Bart Bartlett.
Mr. Bartlett is a lifelong Sapulpan whose family has been here for four generations. As Beyer said, “The family has given Sapulpa a legacy of hard work, service, class – and glass!”
This honoree is a graduate of Sapulpa High School, Oklahoma State University, the University of Illinois with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ceramic Engineering, and the University of Tulsa with an MBA. He has been recognized as a member of TU’s esteemed Circle Society, the President’s Council, and the Chapman Legacy Society.
He is a Freemason where he is a Perpetual and Endowed member of the Sapulpa Masonic Lodge. He is a 14th degree member of the McAlester Consistory and a 33rd Degree of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma.
He is a member of First Presbyterian Church and has faithfully served in a number of leadership capacities there.
Bartlett’s goal has always been to make life better for our community, especially for those Sapulpans who need help the most. He has served on multiple boards including Green Country Camp Fire Boys and Girls, Tulsa Area United Way, Sapulpa School Bond Committees and The Simon Estes Educational Foundation, and Street School, Inc.
Beyer states, “Incidentally, it was on the Street School board that he met his charming wife!”
In 1994, he became the successor family Trustee of the Edward E. and Helen T. Bartlett Foundation. Under his leadership, at least 70 different organizations primarily in Creek County have benefited from the generosity of the Foundation. He enjoys stopping by personally to inspect projects before during and after to offer encouragement, support, engineering suggestions, etc.
Our recipient is married to his biggest supporter Claudia and together they have two children, Trey and Sarah, both currently attending Oklahoma State University. And we can’t forget his mother Ann, another dedicated Sapulpan.
Our community is lucky to have citizens such as Mr. Bartlett and his family. We wish him and them our sincerest congratulations!
Featured Image: Last year’s Citizen winner David Beyer (left) passes the torch to new winner Bart Bartlett.