Band Boosters Bingo Fundraiser Nets record $6,600

The Sapulpa High School Band Boosters would like to give a huge shout out to the community!! This year’s annual bingo fundraiser brought in a record $6,600 and we couldn’t have done it without the tremendous outpouring of support from local businesses and for prizes and the people from the community who packed the High School Commons for the games.

Booster President Chelle Diaz posted her thank you on Sapulpa Chit Chat Facebook Page “Thank you all for your support!! The highlight of the night in my opinion was the little girl who won the XBox360 that’s what we love to see how exciting!!!”

The “little girl” and the night’s big winner was Holmes Park 3rd grader, 8 year old Raeni McIntosh. She and brother Jayce came to play bingo with their Nana. According to mom Jamie, If you would’ve asked them before they left the house to go play, they knew they were gonna win the Xbox.”


Thank you again Sapulpa for all your support! We look forward to seeing you again next fall!

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