Another powerline pulled down

This afternoon, shortly after 2 p.m., an oversized load snagged overhead utility lines at the NE corner of the QuikTrip on Highway 97. The lines were not dragged to the ground, however, they were hanging much lower than normal. A northbound small, white pickup truck ignored police warnings and drove through the lowered lines, dragging them to the ground and breaking them loose, leaving some wires on the truck. According to a witness, Steve Kimball, the truck stopped in front of MidWest Printing, pulled the wires off the truck, then sped away from the scene.

Steve Kimball, an employee of Standard Distributing, witnessed the incident.

The downed lines were AT&T phones lines and a bare copper power line belonging to OG&E. Mr. Kimball said that an oversized load caught the same lines last week, but did not damage them. This is the second time in three weeks that vehicular traffic has damaged utility lines. Traffic was routed through the QT parking lot, creating an enormous traffic jam.

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