An employee speaks out: “Mr. Parker, you should have stayed on the porch.”

Editor’s note: An anonymous employee of Sapulpa Public Schools sent this letter to Sapulpa Times, and asked that we do not use their name.

To Whom it May Concern:

Sapulpa Athletic Director Jason Parker
As an employee of Sapulpa Public Schools, I cannot help but respond to AD Parker’s letter in support of our current superintendent.

If Mr. Burr cares so much about our community, school and students, let me ask you a few questions:

Why hasn’t Mr. Burr finished his doctorate degree as he said he would when he was hired by our district? While this was not a part of his contract, he has agree to get it done, but has not kept his word. It has been three years and he is still just “Mr. Burr”.

Why did Mr. Burr insist on hiring a known convicted felon to work with our students? Not only did our students suffer physical and mental harm, but also our school district as a whole will be paying the price for his arrogance.

Why did Mr. Burr allow a principal to stay on staff after pinning a 13-year-old student up against a wall and choking him? This principal was given a week off to “think about it” and then returned to his job with no further action being taken.

Why has Mr. Burr spent so much money out of our district’s General Fund over the past three years? Since Mr. Burr’s arrival, our General Fund has dwindled down to the bare minimum allowed. If he had not spent every extra penny we had, we may not be as severely affected by the state budget cuts. However, because of his frivolous spending, class sizes across the district will be larger, activities for students will be minimal, teaching positions will go unfilled and teachers will not get raises for a second year in a row.

This does not sound like a superintendent that has Sapulpa Public Schools in his best interests. It sounds like someone that thrives on power and control.

With all due respect, Mr. Parker, you should have stayed on the porch.


An SPS staff member that reluctantly cannot sign their name due to fear of retaliation and probable job loss.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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