All the best local Halloween events to attend this year

Wednesday, October 26th

Glow Carnival & Trunk-or-Treat

At the D-Luxe Properties Food Truck Park (923 S. Main), they’re categorizing their Glow Carnival & Trunk-or-Treat as “a family Halloween glow-in-the-dark carnival!” Kids can make the rounds gathering candy at our Trunk-or-Treat and then play some of their fun glow-in-the-dark carnival games for prizes. Indigo Tie-Dye will be on-site for some festive D-Luxe tie-dye shirts and several food trucks will be available for dinner. Make sure to bring your friends and family out for a great night! Starts at 6pm. See the Facebook Page for more information.

Don’t forget to cap off the Halloween season by checking out this awesome light display on West Teel Road! Get the full story here.

Friday, October 28th

Halloween Movie Night at the TeePee Drive-In: Halloween Ends

On Friday, October 28, 2022, the Tee-Pee Drive-In features Halloween Ends. Join us for a thrilling evening to watch Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) face off for the last time with the embodiment of evil, Michael Myers (James Jude Courtney). Get more information and tickets.

Saturday, October 29th

Spooktacular Trails & Treats

A “safe alternative to neighborhood trick-or-treating,” The Spooktacular at Kelly Lane Park has become a must-do on local families’ Halloween events list. The event is a big draw, and the reward is the large amount of businesses and churches that turn out for the candyfest at Kelly Lane. 5-6pm is designated as “sensory hour” for children with sensory sensitivities, and then the lights and music come up from 6pm to 8pm. Get more information on Facebook.


Halloween Movie Night at the TeePee Drive-In: E.T. Extra-Terrestrial

On Saturday, October 29, 2022, the Tee-Pee Drive-In features E.T. Extra-Terrestrial. Join us as we enjoy this beloved classic where a troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape from Earth and return to his home planet. Get more information and tickets on Facebook.

Sapulpa First Church of God Trunk or Treat

For years, local churches have offered a family-friendly alternative to the spookiest holiday of the year, including Fall Festivals and Trunk or Treats. Get more information on Facebook.

Sapulpa Cruise Trunk Or Treat

Brand new this year, the independent “Sapulpa Cruise Night” group has organized a Trunk or Treat at the Creek County Fairgrounds on Saturday at 6pm. They’re looking to go big, so be sure to check this one out! Get more information on Facebook.

Sapulpa Freedom Church Trunk or Treat

Another family-oriented, church-friendly outing, this time brought to you by Freedom Church (325 E. Speer). Their event on Facebook promises “free candy, family fun!”

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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