Alcoholic Beverage Tax Down for month, attendees say Lent is to blame

Creek County Takes Care of Business

By  Lottie Wilds

The Commissioners Lane Whitehouse, Newt Stephens, and Chairman Leon Warner met at 9 a. m. on Monday, March 18, 2019, in the Commission Chambers (Suite 103) at the Collins Building. After the Pledge and Invocation, the approval of the Minutes from March 11, 2019, and correction of minutes from March 4th, 2019, they discussed the commission’s choice to re-appoint Rick Engleman to the Creek County Equalization and Excise Boards for District One. The other two members of those boards are appointed by a judges (District Two) and by the Tax Commission (District Three). These are four-year appointments. Mr. Engleman was approved.


The next item was for the Commissioners approval of Trudi Barnett, who is the Creek County Judges’ choice for Creek County Equalization and Excise Boards for District Three. The Commissioners approved.

Discussion, review and possible action concerning the county offices’ telephone services and costs was the next subject under advisement. The county has been receiving many calls to update, change or explore different possible phone services. In 2014, a similar exercise took place with reference to Cox services. Off hand, the commissioners didn’t know the terms of current services. There are lines currently used for 911 and for faxes, and others which may be obsolete by now.  Commissioner Stephens said he thought there were “a ton of them.” IT Director Tim Quinton thought the phone lines were all being used, except perhaps in the Sheriffs Department. Although it is “a lot of work” stated Commissioner Stephens, but well worth it according to Chairman Warner because of a possible $20,000.00 a year savings.

The next item reaches back five years ago when a bridge approach was built, using gravel, and was supposed to be paved. It hasn’t been done yet. So now, the phone bids for this work were taken for this work, located at S. 449th West Avenue (near Olive) for District Two, and is for a Type C asphalt overlay project. The bids were from McGuire Bros. from Tulsa, B & S from Stigler, Dunham from Sand Springs, and APAC from Tulsa. The lowest bid ($17,300.00) happened to be from McGuire which is working in that area already. Bids were as high as $31,000.00.

A clarification on the bid for the plumbing work at the Fairgrounds, adding Option “H” (Rough-in Plumbing) which was left off the original bid was approved. The official awarding on Option H went to L & H at $14,500.00.

The Allocation of Alcoholic Beverage Tax from from the Treasurer’s Office in the total amount of $23,824.34 was approved:






Lawrence Creek……..$97.68







The amounts were down about $8,000.00 from January, and  attendees quipped that it was because of “Lent,” and that next month it would be back up again because of St. Patrick’s Day.

The next meeting is on Monday, March 25th at 9 p.m.

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