We tell Sapulpa’s best stories.

Since 2015, through our website, social media channels, emails, and live-streaming shows, we've grown our readership to the largest Sapulpa-based media outlet in Creek County.

Why Sapulpa Times is the right choice for you

  • Popular
    Our website sees an average of more than 50,000 views each month.
  • Engaging
    Our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, LinkedIn and Google Business have an audience of between 20-30,000 followers.
  • Modern
    Our Timeloop show broadcasts three times a week on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, and gets hundreds, sometimes thousands of views per episode!
  • Routine
    Our email newsletters have over 2,000 subscribers and growing! We also have a core group of 100+ paying subscribers looking for ways to spend money locally.
  • Cost-Effective
    Advertising with your local media is not only supporting your local community, but it's a tax write-off for your business!

How to Advertise with Sapulpa Times

Display Advertising

Your box ad in our stories will ensure that it gets seen multiple times every day, for as long as you’d like. Link it back to your own website for the greatest value. Your ad will look great on desktop, mobile, and tablet.


We send an email out every day to our subscribers, informing them of what’s happening in and around the town that we love. Get your message in front of our most loyal readers. Multiple sponsorships are available!

Timeloop Live

Our on-air promotions will ensure that your product or event gets the recognition it needs from a modern local news consumer.


Featured Events

Our weekly “What To Do This Weekend” story is one of our most popular weekly reads to our growing email list. Let us promote your story to the widest local audience possible.

Sponsored Content

Nobody likes a first date who talks all about themselves. Sponsor a story that we’ll write with your customers in mind and set yourself up for success. These aren’t blocked by ad-blockers, and they’re keyword-rich content that helps build your digital footprint.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have restrictions on advertising content?

Yes. We do not allow advertising that promotes smoking or adult content, or in terms of political advertising, ads that are slanderous or not factual. Sapulpa Times reserves the right to refuse ads based on content.

In online advertising, we do not allow ads that auto-play videos or require an external plugin. Ads may be animated gifs or static, and they may be branded or event-driven. If you need help creating your ads, please contact our advertising department and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Does my advertising price go up if you get a lot of website traffic?

Not arbitrarily, no. Contrary to the way most news sites run, we do not operate on a CPM (Cost Per Thousand) or PPC (Pay Per Click) model. Our advertisers pay a monthly fee for certain ad slots, and that monthly fee does not change mid-campaign due to high volume of traffic. We do reserve the right however, to increase the fee at the end of the campaign.

Can I purchase more than one Ad?

Yes! We have specialized advertising packages that combine traditional online advertising with sponsored posts, email newsletters and social media marketing. Please consult available packages, or let us know how we can help you.

Ready to get started?

Fill out this form to get the process started, and we'll get back to you with your options!
Advertising Request