Charles Betzler contributed to this story.
On Monday, March 9, 2020, the Creek County Commissioners held their weekly meeting at the Collings Building. Present were Commissioners Lane Whitehouse, Leon Warner, New Stephens, and Jennifer Mortazavi, Creek County Clerk. Also present were Sheriff Bret Bowling, County Attorney Andrew Goforth, and Treasurer Don Engle.
Eight-Year Plan
Jon Keiffer, Creek County Fairgrounds Manager brought change orders to the board concerning the commercial building project at the fairgrounds. There is a need to increase by $11,500 for an epoxy flooring in the kitchen and bathroom totaling $4,500, and to build out the bathroom with a rock bottom to match existing flooring, amounts to an additional increase of $7,000. The project will not be complete for the upcoming Vintage Market Days in the spring (April) but will be for their event in the fall. The Change Orders were approved.
Elevator Bids
Commissioner Newt Stephens announced three bids for the modernization of the elevator in the Collins Building. The first bid was from Schindler Elevator in the amount of $139,918.00. The second bid was from Otis Elevator in the amount of $72,918.00. The third bid was from Kone Elevator in the amount of $169,858.00. These are base bids and do not reflect the options given to the vendors and options given by the vendors. The commissioners passed on awarding a bid until next week so an analysis of vendors’ proposals may be completed.
Equipment Purchase
Creek County Commissioners approved the purchase of two John Deere 60G Compact Excavators from Sourcewell, in the amount of $74,735.34 per unit. The Commission also made a motion to assign the lease to S&B Bank.
ODOT Agreement
Commissioners approved entering into an agreement with ODOT for County Improvements for Roads and Bridges Funding for project J3-2157(004)CI, South 193rd West Avenue, AKA Edna Road over Little Deep Fork Creek.
$2.6 Million Negative

John Blickensderfer with GUY Engineering was present with an update for the 8-year Transportation Plan with ODOT. The plan is $2.6 million in the negative and new projects can not be added, only switched out with an existing priority.
The projects include three bridges that need attention in district 3, Little Salt Creek in District 2 and 49th W. Ave in District 1. Commissioner Warner asked, “More projects than money coming in?” and Mr. Blickensderfer replied, “Correct.” No changes were made to projects on the list and will be submitted to ODOT in July. No action was taken today. Final approval will be voted on in the future.
Interlocal Agreement
Commissioners approved signing an interlocal agreement with National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance. This agreement allows the County to obtain a reduced price on the purchase of a “hot box,” which is an asphalt maintenance machine that stores and heats asphalt and is used for repairing roads.
Storm Reimbursement
The Board of Commissioners made a motion directing the Creek County Treasurer to credit Creek County General/M&O Fund in the amount of $5,197.00 received as reimbursement from ACCO for damages to County property from the May 25, 2019 tornado.
The Creek County Board of Commissioners meets every Monday at 9 a.m., at the Collins Building Room 103.