What should 2018 be about? The important things.

The beginning of a new year always causes me to reflect upon how quickly time seems to fly by. As I write this, I can hardly believe that it’s actually here! It even seemed odd, just now, to type the numbers “2018.” There isn’t even any consistency in how we say it. Some say “two-thousand eighteen,” while others insist it is “twenty eighteen.” Two-thousand eighteen sounds so futuristic to me, but then again, as soon as the future is experienced, it becomes the present and then, in the blink of an eye, the present becomes the past.

I read the following poem a few years ago – a poem that depicts the departure of one year and the arrival of the next:

Adieu, old friend, how quickly time has flown
Since we first met. Why, only days ago
It seems, you were placed upon your throne
And all the world began a brand new show.
The folks of every race and creed renewed
Their vows: resolved to lead a better life,
To help a friend, and show their gratitude
To God for all His goodness in their strife.
And now, dear friend, your reign is at an end.
The vows, the promises we made to God,
Those New Year’s resolutions must extend
Into a time where feet have not yet trod.
Goodbye old friend, safe journey on your flight!
Another sits upon your throne tonight.


In James 4:14, the Bible says, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (NKJV). The passing of time should remind us of how precious each moment and each day really are. There is so much that we hope to do, so much that we intend to do, so much that we can do, and yet it is easy to allow the hectic nature of our every day derail our greatest dreams and our most admirable ambitions. Without necessarily meaning to, we can leave good deeds undone, kind notes unwritten, loving words unsaid – all because life gets so busy and goes by so quickly.

For 2018, make it a priority to do the most important things in life. Be the person God wants you to be. Feed your soul with God’s Word. Worship the Lord faithfully with God’s people and worship Him at home. Love your family, your friends, and even your enemies. Pray for one another and serve those around you. Give to the Lord and to others. Let others know how important they are to you. Tell them how much you love them – words that have probably needed to be said for a long time. Life is fleeting. Make every day count!

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