5 health-care professionals to see before school starts

To help ensure your child’s academic success, it’s important to identify any potential health problems that can negatively impact their progress. Here are five key health-care professionals your child should visit before the school year begins. 

1. The optometrist

Often, kids don’t report vision issues because they have no other frame of reference for what the world is supposed to look like, which is why eye exams are so important. Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and other eye issues could make it hard for them to see the board and follow along in class. 


2. The audiologist

If your child suffers from frequent ear infections, you should make an appointment with an audiologist. You should also visit one if you suspect your child has trouble hearing or if hearing issues run in your family.

3. The podiatrist

Some types of foot problems develop as kids grow, and a visit to the podiatrist will help uncover them. Early detection and intervention are key, otherwise your child may develop irreversible issues that could prevent them from enjoying a full range of motion later in life.

4. The dentist

Children should visit the dentist for a routine exam and cleaning at least twice a year. This is essential for their oral health and the early detection of problems that may require orthodontic intervention, such as misaligned teeth or an overbite. 

5. The pediatrician

Finally, don’t forget to visit your family doctor. They’ll be able to assess your child’s overall health and make sure their vaccinations are up to date. 

Many health-care professionals tend to get busy in the fall, so be sure to make your appointments sooner rather than later.

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