$30,000 Grant Awarded To Creek County Recovery Group

The Creek County Long Term Recover Group (CCLTRG) received a $30,000 grant from the Disaster Relief Fund for Eastern Oklahoma to provide assistance to Creek County 2019 storm survivors. 

Tulsa Community Foundation and Tulsa Area United Way established the Fund to provide local assistance through non-profit organizations. Aid will be provided through these agencies to eastern Oklahomans affected by weather-related flooding and the tornadic storms which occurred in May and June 2019. Donors from 29 states contributed over $700,000 to the Fund.

In Creek County, two paths of destruction occurred on May 26, 2019, each extending more than 12 miles long and 1,200 feet wide. Numerous structures, including homes, businesses and schools sustained serious damage. 


The CCLTRG  is a network of faith-based, non-profit governmental, business, organizations and agencies will provide a coordinated recovery effort to the disaster-affected citizens of Creek County.

“Citizens are still hurting from this disaster and we want to ensure safe, sanitary, secure living space for them,” said Dr. Camille Teale, Vice-Chair of CCLTRG. “Federal and state resources have been distributed to meet the highest and most critical needs. The Fund will help our community address the potentially hundreds of unmet needs resulting from last year’s storms, she added.

CCLTRG will provide coordinated management of long-term recovery to affected residents, including assistance to those who have inadequate personal resources for basic needs. Special emphasis will be placed on services for low-income, elderly, disabled and other special needs populations.

Caring Community Friends serves as the fiscal agency for CCLTRG. To learn more about how you can help with the recovery effort in Creek County, contact Caring Community Friends at (918) 224-6464.

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to news@sapulpatimes.com

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